# demo_lcd.py
# Simple string program. Writes and updates strings.
# Demo program for the I2C 16x2 Display from Ryanteck.uk
# Created by Matthew Timmons-Brown for The Raspberry Pi Guy YouTube channel
# Import necessary libraries for communication and display use
import lcddriver
import time
# Load the driver and set it to "display"
# If you use something from the driver library use the "display." prefix first
display = lcddriver.lcd()
# Main body of code
while True:
# Remember that your sentences can only be 16 characters long!
print("Writing to display")
display.lcd_display_string("Greetings Human!", 1) # Write line of text to first line of display
display.lcd_display_string("Demo Pi Guy code", 2) # Write line of text to second line of display
time.sleep(2) # Give time for the message to be read
display.lcd_display_string("I am a display!", 1) # Refresh the first line of display with a different message
time.sleep(2) # Give time for the message to be read
display.lcd_clear() # Clear the display of any data
time.sleep(2) # Give time for the message to be read
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Cleaning up!")