我只是尝试在 Vagrant 盒子上的 Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise 32) 上安装 Yesod。

Haskell 平台的安装没问题。



cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
vault- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
wai- depends on vault- which failed to install.
wai-app-static- depends on vault- which failed to install.
wai-extra- depends on vault- which failed to install.
wai-logger-0.3.1 depends on vault- which failed to install.
wai-test- depends on vault- which failed to install.
warp- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-auth- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-core- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-form- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-persistent-1.2.1 depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-platform- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-static- depends on vault- which failed to install.
yesod-test-1.2.1 depends on vault- which failed to install.

我猜这意味着找不到保险库。我不知道这里正在发生什么,这个包是什么以及为什么它无法安装在一个全新的带有全新 Haskell 平台的全新 Ubuntu 盒子上



1 回答 1


似乎最新版本的vaulton Hackage 已损坏。cabal您可以通过告诉安装旧版本来解决此问题:

cabal install yesod-platform --force-reinstalls --constraint 'vault <'

我将针对此问题提交一份针对 Vault 的错误报告。

于 2013-09-09T18:22:17.083 回答