Hey, i am starting a hadoop based hypercube with a flexible number of dimensions. Does anybody know any existing approaches for this?

I just found PigOLAPSketch, but there is no code to use it.

Another approach is Zohmg from lastfm, which uses hbase, but seems to be very dead.

I think i will start a pig solution, maybe you have some advices?


2 回答 2


这将非常酷/有用。OpenTSDB 是一个 HBase 时间序列数据库,看起来可能很有趣,它们有一种巧妙的二级索引方法。

于 2012-05-17T18:15:31.260 回答

您还可以查看基于 gpu 的数据库https://www.kinetica.com/ 但这不是开源的,需要单独的设备并将数据从 Hadoop 移动到 Kinetica 基础设施。

于 2018-04-15T12:39:27.030 回答