我正在尝试解析通过使用 adobe pro 将 pdf 导出为 xml 1.0 获得的 xml 文件。我正在使用 Python 和 ElementTree 进行解析。pdf 包含一个表格,该表格跨越多个页面并具有多个不同的表格标题。



# Python

import sys
import re     # regular expression
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml

tree = xml.parse("C:/Documents and Settings/alilly.CORPORATE/Desktop/python xml parse/excerpt.xml")

print "=================== Find Columns ===================="    

for node in tree.iter('TR'):

    print "tag=",node.tag

    count = len(node.getiterator('TD'))

    #if count != 10:
    #    continue

    print "------------"

    for col in node.getiterator('TD'):
        print "      tag=",col.tag, "attrib=", col.attrib, "text=", col.text

print "=================== Find Headers ===================="

# find headers
for node in tree.iter('ImageData'):
    print "figure text = ", node.tail

这是我的 XML 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Created from PDF via Acrobat SaveAsXML -->
<!-- Mapping Table version: 28-February-2003 -->
<?xpacket begin='?' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>
<?xpacket begin="?" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00        ">
   <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
         <pdf:Producer>GPL Ghostscript 8.70</pdf:Producer>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
         <xmp:CreatorTool>PDFCreator Version 1.0.2</xmp:CreatorTool>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
               <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">my pdf file</rdf:li>
               <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default"/>
               <rdf:li xml:lang="x-repair"/>
<?xpacket end="w"?>
<?xpacket end='r'?>
<H1>Misc </H1>
<H3>This is a test </H3>
<H5>Deletions </H5>
<LI_Title>Special codes </LI_Title>
<ImageData src=""/>
<ImageData src=""/>
Main INTERIOR </Figure>
<TH>S = Standard O = Optional </TH>
<ImageData src=""/>
<TD>S </TD>
<ImageData src=""/>
This is the MECHANICAL header</Figure>
<TH>S = Standard O = Optional </TH>
<TH>Free Flow </TH>
<TD>Ref. Code </TD>
<TD>Rooster </TD>
<TD>747 Dog </TD>
<TD>888 Rabbit </TD>
<TD>xxx GOgo xxB </TD>
<TD>Beany xxx </TD>
<TD>nothing here xxx </TD>
<TD>xxx B </TD>
<TD>snake ddd </TD>
<TD>Cow fff </TD>
<TD>eee </TD>
<TD>Squirrel Protection </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>J77 </TD>
<TD>Rocket Launcher </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>Lunch </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>S </TD>
<TD>Jss5 </TD>
<TD>Now is the time for all good men </TD>
<TD>A1 </TD>
<TD>A1 </TD>
<TD>Capacity </TD>
<TD>2/3 </TD>
<TD>2/3 </TD>
<TD>2/3 </TD>
<ImageData src=""/>
Final COMPLETED PAGE 1 OF 2 </Figure>
<ImageData src=""/>
<P>Graphite </P>
<P>painted fun </P>
<P>Control yourself </P>
<ImageData src=""/>
Meaningless Header PAGE 2 OF 2 </Figure>
<ImageData src=""/>
<P>)multi-coat </P>
<P>single-slot system </P>
<ImageData src=""/>
Almost Done Header PAGE 1 OF 1 </Figure>
<ImageData src=""/>
<ImageData src=""/>
<ImageData src=""/>
<P>Snow Blizzard. </P>
<P>Done </P>

2 回答 2


在需要保持状态的情况下,我回退到 SAX 样式的 XML 解析器,这里有一个示例脚本,它简单地拉取 MECHANICAL 和 COMPLETED 图形之间的行。

import xml.sax
import xml.sax.handler

class Handler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l_ch = list()
        self.__in_mechanical = False

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if name == 'TR':
            self.l_rows = list()

    def characters (self, ch):
        self.l_ch += ch

    def endElement(self, name):
        if self.l_ch:
            ch = ''.join(self.l_ch).strip()

        if name == 'Figure':
            if ch.find('MECHANICAL') >= 0:
                self.__in_mechanical = True
            elif ch.find('COMPLETED') >= 0:
                self.__in_mechanical = False

        elif name == 'TD' and self.__in_mechanical:

        elif name == 'TR' and self.__in_mechanical:
            print 'Row:', self.l_rows
            self.l_rows = list()

        self.l_ch = list()

parser = xml.sax.make_parser()


Row: []
Row: [u'Ref. Code', u'DESCRIPTION', u'Rooster', u'747 Dog', u'888 Rabbit']
Row: [u'xxx GOgo xxB', u'Beany xxx', u'nothing here xxx', u'xxx B', u'snake ddd', u'Cow fff', u'eee']
Row: [u'', u'Squirrel Protection', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S']
Row: [u'J77', u'Rocket Launcher', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S']
Row: [u'', u'Lunch', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S', u'S']
Row: [u'Jss5', u'Now is the time for all good men', u'-', u'A1', u'A1', u'-', u'-', u'-', u'-']
Row: [u'Capacity', u'', u'2/3', u'2/3', u'2/3']
于 2011-03-03T03:39:18.133 回答

从您的描述中不清楚您到底要选择什么。听起来您想处理包含字符串 "MECHANICAL" 和 "COMPLETED" 的元素之间的所有元素。(在这个例子中,这只是一个表,但我假设它可以是任意数量的表。)

如果可以使用 lxml,则可以使用 xpath 进行选择。

from lxml import etree
x = etree.parse( file('mech.xml'))
# select Tables following "MECHANICAL" :
fol = x.xpath( '//Figure[contains(., "MECHANICAL")]/following-sibling::Table[1]' )
# [<Element Table at 101532ec0>]
# select Tables preceding "COMPLETED" :
pre = x.xpath( '//Figure[contains(.,"COMPLETED")]/preceding-sibling::Table' )
# [<Element Table at 101532d08>, <Element Table at 101532ec0>]
# get their intersection:
tables = [ e for e in fol if e in pre ]
for t in tables:
     for tr in t.xpath( 'TR' ):
         # [ ... process ... ] 
于 2011-03-03T05:23:08.250 回答