我真的很喜欢政治和选举,我刚刚开始学习 R,我想用来自当地县的新数据重新创建这个博客中列出的过程。在进行区域分析之前,我已经能够使用修改后的代码可靠地完成博客中的大部分过程。

datas <- district.analyze(data)

作者分析了特定的住宅区,而我更愿意分析整个县。我修改了代码以使用 US House 作为我的目标区域,因为它包含整个县。


> Error in aggregate.data.frame(as.data.frame(x), ...) : 
no rows to aggregate
In addition: Warning message:
In min(adf[, "rep_turnout_pct"], na.rm = TRUE) :

当我在数据中有“NA”时,我只会收到这个错误。当我用“0”代替空白时, District.analyze 起作用,但是“0”会抛出所有方程。



 major.party.bias <- function(adf) {    

 # aggregate base partisan vote -  lowest non-zero turnout by party, given any election

 abpv_rep <- min(adf[adf$rep_turnout_pct,"rep_turnout_pct"],na.rm=TRUE)
abpv_dem <- min(adf[adf$dem_turnout_pct,"dem_turnout_pct"],na.rm=TRUE)

 # aggregate base partisan is combination of major parties worst scores
 base_abpv = abpv_rep + abpv_dem
 # swing is what is left after the aggregate base partisan support is removed
 abpv_swing = 1.0 - base_abpv

 # remove elections w/ no contender ie NA rep or NA dem turnout
 tsa <- adf[which(!is.na(adf$dem_turnout) & !is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),]  
 # add a abs difference of rep v dem column
 tsa[,"spread"] <- abs(tsa$dem_turnout_pct - tsa$rep_turnout_pct)

 # average party performance - average of the top 3 best matched races (sorted by abs(rep-dem) performance)
 app_dem <- mean(tsa[order(tsa$spread)[1:3],]$dem_turnout_pct)
 app_rep <- mean(tsa[order(tsa$spread)[1:3],]$rep_turnout_pct)

 # aggreage soft partisan vote - difference between the average worst over each year and the absolute worst (aggregate base partisan vote)
 tsa <- adf[which(!is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),]
 abpv_rep_soft <- mean(aggregate(tsa$rep_turnout_pct,tsa["year"],min)[,"x"]) - abpv_rep
 tsa <- adf[which(!is.na(adf$dem_turnout)),]
 abpv_dem_soft <- mean(aggregate(tsa$dem_turnout_pct,tsa["year"],min)[,"x"]) - abpv_dem

 # tossup is everything left after we take out base and soft support for both major parties
 abpv_tossup = abs(1.0 - abpv_rep_soft - abpv_rep - abpv_dem_soft - abpv_dem)

 partisan.rep <- abpv_rep + abpv_rep_soft
 partisan.dem <- abpv_dem + abpv_dem_soft

 return (data.frame(partisan.base=base_abpv,partisan.swing=abpv_swing,tossup=abpv_tossup,
                    partisan.rep=partisan.rep, partisan.dem=partisan.dem)) 

 project.turnout <- function(adf,years=c(2012,2014,2016),target.district.type="U.S. House",similar.district.types=c('U.S. Senate','State Senate', 'State Auditor', 'Governor'),top.ballot.district.type="U.S. Senate") {
 # look for good elections in years
 case.type = 0
 gl <- adf[which(adf$year %in% years & adf$district_type == target.district.type & !is.na(adf$dem_turnout) & !is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),] 
 # case 1 - major parties ran in 2001,2005 (governor + lt governor + HD)
 # we'll calculate the average_turnout x downballot_turnout
 proj.turnout <- 0.0
 if(nrow(gl) >= 2 ){
     down.ballot.turnout <- mean((gl$dem_turnout + gl$rep_turnout) / gl$total_registration)     
     gl <- adf[which(adf$year %in% years & adf$district_type == top.ballot.district.type),]             
     top.ticket.turnout <- mean(gl$total_turnout / gl$total_registration)
     gl <- adf[which(adf$year %in% years & !is.na(adf$dem_turnout) & !is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),]             
     avg.turnout <- mean((gl$dem_turnout + gl$rep_turnout) / gl$total_registration) 
     runoff <- down.ballot.turnout / top.ticket.turnout
     proj.turnout <- runoff * avg.turnout
     case.type = 1
 # case 2 - missing major party candidate in ''years'', so we 'll just take the average of what we've got walking backwards from the last known good year
 # need more than one HD election
 else {     
     gl <- adf[which(adf$district_type == target.district.type & !is.na(adf$dem_turnout) & !is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),]   
     if(nrow(gl) >= 1 ) {
         # calculate the average turnout of at least one election
        proj.turnout <- mean((gl$dem_turnout + gl$rep_turnout) / gl$total_registration)                     
         case.type = 2
     else {
         # we dont have any evenly matched house races so we'll look at ''similar.district.types'' as a substitute
         gl <- adf[which((adf$district_type %in% similar.district.types) & !is.na(adf$dem_turnout) & !is.na(adf$rep_turnout)),] 
         if(nrow(gl) >= 1) {
             proj.turnout <- mean((gl$dem_turnout + gl$rep_turnout) / gl$total_registration)                                        
             case.type = 3
         else {
             proj.turnout <- 0          
             case.type = 4
 # project the actual registration based on the known last registration in the df
 reg <- adf[1,]$last_registration
 proj.turnout.count <- proj.turnout  * reg return(data.frame(proj.turnout.percent=proj.turnout,proj.turnout.count=proj.turnout.count,current.reg=reg,case.type=case.type))

  # apply the major party bias to the projected turnout 
apply.turnout <- function(adf) {
   # take proj.turnout.count (from project.turnout) and combine it 
 with partisan percentages from major.party.bias

  adf$proj.turnout.dem <- floor(adf$proj.turnout.count * adf$app.dem)
  adf$proj.turnout.rep <- floor(adf$proj.turnout.count * adf$app.rep)
  adf$votes.to.win <- floor(adf$proj.turnout.count/2)+1


 district.analyze <- function(dis) {
ret <- ddply(dis, .(precinct_name), function(x) merge(project.turnout(x),major.party.bias(x)))
ret <- apply.turnout(ret)

我的数据是我从 .csv 读入 R 的大型数据集:

## Data given as Google Sheets
url <-"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E4P0rfDVWEepbGHwX58qNSWN5vWd3iQU/view?usp=sharing"
df <- gsheet2tbl(url)

1 回答 1


因为 URL 往往会腐烂,所以最好像@Steady 指出的那样,做一个最小的可重现示例。不过,我只会使用你给我们的东西。

我首先从 GitHub 导入您的代码:

## Matt's code from GitHub
script <-
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE
eval(parse(text = script))

然后我读入了您在 Google 表格中提供的数据

## Data given as Google Sheets
url <-
df <- gsheet2tbl(url)

现在,我认为问题在于,如果调用美国参议院子集,则没有地区编号——它们是 NA 值。

## There are no district numbers if subsetted to U.S. Senate.
table((df %>% dplyr::filter(district_type == "U.S. Senate"))$district_number)
sum(!is.na((df %>% dplyr::filter(district_type == "U.S. Senate"))$district_number))

## Summary function edited
historical.turnout.summary <- function(adf,
                                       district.type = "U.S. Senate",
                                       district.number = NULL,
                                       years = c(2012, 2014, 2016)) {
    s <-
        adf$district_type == district.type &
          # adf$district_number == district.number &
          adf$year %in% years
      ), ]
    if (!is.null(district.number)) {
      s <- 
        s[which(s$district_number == district.number)]
    df <- ddply(
      s, "year",
      function(x) {
        year <- x$year[1]
        total.turnout <- sum(x$total_turnout)
        total.registration <- sum(x$total_registration)
            year = year,
            total.turnout = total.turnout,
            total.registration = total.registration

## Re-run
  district.type = "U.S. Senate", 
  years = c(2012, 2014, 2016) 

但我不能 100% 确定,因为您可能已经从本地文件中读取了数据,并且当从 Google 表格上传/下载的数据时,空白可能已经变成了 NA。

使用district.analyze, 调用时会出错,major.party.bias因为您尝试对 和 等表达式进行数值"21.39%"运算"62.81%"。它们必须被解析并转换为数字。


于 2018-08-02T21:57:06.313 回答