I'd like to know your thoughts about using these two CMS on Liferay. I know, that jackrabbit is rather a framework and reference JCR implementation. I'm more interested in the situation, when you have Liferay portlet and you need a CMS repository other then the liferay Document Library, because you need more features.

What I am concerned about:

  • Level of Metadata Extraction from various document formats ( I see that both are using Apache tika parsers)

  • Level of Content Transformation - for instance dealing with not quite valid PDFs (OCR)

  • How easily can developer extend functionality (for instance implementing various actions on document processing)

It takes a lot of time to try both of them, I have to decide on one and stick with it.

Thank you


1 回答 1


我从来没有用 Jackrabbit 做过任何严肃的事情,但是用 Alfresco 做了很多项目。

由于 Alfresco 和 Liferay 之间一直在共同努力以提供可靠且经过验证的集成,因此 Alfresco 至少应该最大限度地减少两个应用程序之间的集成工作,并且可能为您的项目提供一个良好的起点。

从功能的角度来看,以下适用于 Alfresco:

于 2011-04-14T18:52:30.403 回答