我被要求在 Java 上显示 Mandelbrot 集,但我遇到了问题。我和我的老师都对为什么这不能正确运行感到困惑。
我认为它与算法或复杂类有关,因为除了正/负 1 和 0 之外的所有值在两次迭代后都会逃逸到无穷大。
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class fractal {
public class complex { double re; double im;
public complex(double x, double y){
this.re =x;
this.im =y;
public double mag(){
return (Math.sqrt(re*re+im*im));
static int xcord = 500;
static int ycord = 500;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("Question 10");
JPanel myPane = (JPanel) myFrame.getContentPane();
myPane.add(new paint());
class paint extends JComponent {
public complex add(complex a, complex b){
return new complex(a.re+b.re,a.im+b.im);
public complex multiply(complex a,complex b) {
return new complex((a.re*b.re)-(a.im*b.im),(a.re*b.im)+(a.im*b.re));
public void paint (Graphics g){
final int SCALE =100; //pixels per unit
int itr = 0;
int max_itr = 30;
Color clr = Color.black;
g.translate(fractal.xcord/2, fractal.ycord/2); // Move origin to center of frame
for (int x = -2*SCALE; x <= 1*SCALE; x++){
for (int y = -1*SCALE; y <= 1*SCALE; y++){
complex C = new complex(x/SCALE,y/SCALE); // math done on unscaled values
complex z = C;
itr = 0;
while ( z.mag() <= 4.0 && itr < max_itr){
z = add(multiply(z,z),C);
if (itr == max_itr){
clr = Color.black;
clr = new Color((int) Math.round(itr*8.5),(int) Math.round(itr*8.5),(int) Math.round(itr*8.5)); // Colouring of fractal
g.drawOval(x, y, 2, 2);