我必须开发一个数据窥探功能,在其中我将我的数据集(在 pandas 数据框中)分成更小的部分,并在那里插入一个三次样条曲线(在我的例子中是 Z 值)。为此,我使用了 interpolate.interp2d
Then 我从估计的高度值中减去给定的高度值以获得残差,在这里我可以应用 3 sigma 阈值并删除具有最高异常值的行。
/_fitpack_impl.py:976: RuntimeWarning: The maximal number of iterations
(20) allowed for finding smoothing
spline with fp=s has been reached. Probable cause: s too small.
kx,ky=3,3 nx,ny=18,21 m=915 fp=221.198171 s=0.000000
warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(_iermess2[ierm][0] + _mess))
/_fitpack_impl.py:976: RuntimeWarning: A theoretically impossible result
when finding a smoothing spline
with fp = s. Probable causes: s too small or badly chosen eps.
kx,ky=3,3 nx,ny=19,22 m=914 fp=209.480429 s=0.000000
warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(_iermess2[ierm][0] + _mess))
/_fitpack_impl.py:976: RuntimeWarning: No more knots can be added because
the number of B-spline
coefficients already exceeds the number of data points m.
Probable causes: either s or m too small. (fp>s)
kx,ky=3,3 nx,ny=26,46 m=911 fp=158.754387 s=0.000000
warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(_iermess2[ierm][0] + _mess))
def DataSnooping_splines(df, sigma_size, step_size):
s = sigma_size
Orbit_No = df.index
df = df.assign(orbitNo = Orbit_No)
df = df.sort_values(by=['chainage_km'])
df.index = pd.RangeIndex(len(df.index))
start_pos = df['chainage_km'].values[0]
end_pos = int(df['chainage_km'].values[len(df['chainage_km'].values)-1])
start_points = np.arange(start_pos, end_pos, step_size)
for i in start_points:
dfn = df.sort_values(by=['chainage_km'])
dfn = dfn[(dfn['chainage_km']>= i) & (dfn['chainage_km']<=i+step_size)]
# dfn.index = pd.RangeIndex(len(dfn.index))
# extract the needed values from the dataframe:
time = dfn['daytime'].values
chainage = dfn['chainage_km'].values
height = dfn['Surf1MinusEGM08'].values
# calculate the parameters for the cubic spline:
f = interpolate.interp2d(time, chainage, height, kind='cubic')
# estimate the spline:
height_spline = []
for dt in range(len(time)):
height_spline.append(f(time[dt], chainage[dt]))
height_splines = np.asarray(height_spline)
residuals = []
# calculate the residuals:
for d in range(len(height)):
residuals.append(height[d] - height_splines[d])
print('length residuals ', len(residuals))
print('length df ', len(dfn))
# save the residuals in the dataframe:
dfn = dfn.assign(residual=residuals)
# calculate the standard deviation
std_res = np.std(dfn['residual'])
# count the number of outlayer
number_bigger_3sigma = len(dfn[np.abs(dfn['residual'])>s*std_res])
# Find elements bigger than 3sigma and eliminate them iteratively
while number_bigger_3sigma > 0:
# eliminate biggest element
# save all values higher 3 sigma in dfn_highersigme
dfn_highersigma = dfn[np.abs(dfn['residual'])>s*std_res]
# Extract the highest value
max_val = np.max(np.abs(dfn_highersigma['residual']))
dfn_drop = dfn_highersigma[np.abs(dfn_highersigma['residual']) == max_val[0]]
check_i = 0
dfn_drop_s = dfn_drop
check_i = 1
if check_i == 0:
dfn_drop_s = dfn_drop_s.append(dfn_drop)
# Eliminate the highest value
dfn = dfn.drop(dfn_drop.index, axis=0)
# extract the needed values from the dataframe:
time = dfn['daytime'].values
chainage = dfn['chainage_km'].values
height = dfn['Surf1MinusEGM08'].values
# Use the hight of the remaining values to calculate the polygon again
f = interpolate.interp2d(time, chainage, height, kind='cubic')
# estimate the spline:
height_spline = []
for dt in range(len(time)):
height_spline.append(f(time[dt], chainage[dt]))
height_splines = np.asarray(height_spline)
residuals = []
# calculate the residuals:
for d in range(len(height)):
residuals.append(height[d] - height_splines[d])
# save the residuals in the dataframe:
dfn = dfn.assign(residual=residuals)
# calculate the standard deviation
std_res = np.std(dfn['residual'])
# calculate new number of elements bigger than 3sigma
number_bigger_3sigma = len(dfn[np.abs(dfn['residual'])>s*std_res])
height_spline = np.asarray(height_spline)
z_new = []
for dd in range(len(dfn['residual'])):
z_new.append(dfn['residual'].values[dd] + height_spline[dd])
dfn = dfn.assign(Surf1MinusEGM08_new = z_new)
count_i = 0
except NameError:
dfn_new = dfn
count_i = 1
if count_i == 0:
dfn_new = dfn_new.append(dfn)
dfn_new = dfn_new.set_index('orbitNo')
return dfn_new, dfn_drop_s
我用于 sigme_size 3 和 step_size = 50 有足够的数据点用于样条计算。除了消除数据点之外,使用该函数后异常值仍然存在。