I am using Ext JS to make a popup window, here is the code:
function popupImage(term, imageNumber){
currentPopupWindow = new Ext.Window({
layout : 'fit',
closeAction :'hide',
plain : true,
constrain : true,
width: 300,
border: false,
html: "Blah blah content"<span onclick=\"currentPopupWindow.close();\">cerrar</span>"
currentPopupWindow.show(false, function(){
var el = Ext.get("termimage");
currentPopupWindow.anchorTo(Ext.get("dictionarycontainer"), "tl");
In firefox this works fine. In IE7 it works, but always produces a javascript error saying "unspecified error".
What am I doing wrong?
Removing the anchorTo line removes the error. I would still like to anchor to though so this isn't a great solution!