
我从我的 Java 练习册中创建了一个小游戏,当我在 Eclipse 中编译它时它运行良好,但是一旦我添加 main 方法并将其作为 .jar 导出到我的桌面上,当我双击它时它不起作用,也它在命令控制台上工作吗?我似乎无法导出任何功能的 .jar 程序,尽管它们在 Eclipse 中编译得很好。我假设我在使用主要方法时做错了什么?

    import acm.program.*;
    import acm.util.*;

    import java.awt.Color;

    import acm.graphics.*;

    public class CrapsGameTest extends ConsoleProgram{

public static void main (String[] args){
    CrapsGameTest craps = new CrapsGameTest();


    public void run() {

/*if total = 2, 3, or 12 you loose
 * if total = 7 or 11 you win
 * */

int total = rollTwoDice();

if (total == 2 || total == 3 || total==12) {
    println(total +" You loose");
} else if (total == 7 || total == 11) {
        println(total +" You win");
    } else {
        //saves points under the initial TOTAL variable
        int points=total;
        println("your point total is " + points);

        //initializes step by step rolls with i++
        int i = 0;
        while(i>=0) {
            int x = readInt("Roll again?");

            if (x==1) {
            //changes the total variable by rolling dice.
            //if the new total variable = points then you win:
            //after every loop "total" variable changes due to the rollTwoDice method.
            total = rollTwoDice();

            if (points ==total) {
                println("You win!");
                } else if (total == 7) {
                    println("you loose");


int y = readInt("Do you wish to play again?");
if (y == 1) {


    private int rollTwoDice() {
int d1 = rgen.nextInt(1,6);
int d2 = rgen.nextInt(1,6);
int total = d1 + d2;
println("Rolling dice: " + d1 + " + "+d2 + " = " + total );
return total;


 //initializes rgen variable
 private RandomGenerator rgen = new RandomGenerator();


1 回答 1



Java 程序需要从类中的特定方法开始,即 public static void main(String[] args) 方法。如果您的程序使用 ACM 库,则需要编辑代码以具有 main() 。您可以通过简单地将以下代码添加到具有公共 void run() 的类中轻松地做到这一点,用该类的名称替换下面的类。

public static void main (String[] args){
    new CrapsGameTest().start(args);


于 2018-06-16T03:23:10.547 回答