调用函数时都会一遍又一遍地绘制 xlabel、ylabel、title 和 tic 数字multiplot
。在想法中,我如何避免这种情况,只绘制图表而不做其他任何事情?如果我取消设置标题、抽动等然后进行绘图,则图形不会绘制在与框架相同的区域,并且会延伸到左侧 y 轴所在的位置。
#set datafile separator ' '
set samples 1000
set term tikz size 17cm,10cm dashed
set out 'MosfetClassAbPower.tex'
unset key
set border lw 2
set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder
set title 'MOSFET $\mathrm{I_D}$ Vs Time'
set ylabel 'Drain Current [$\mu$A]'
set xlabel 'Time [ms]'
set xrange [0:4]
set xtics 0,0.5,4
set mxtics 4
set yrange [-50:450]
set mytics 4
set rmargin 5
set label 1 '\SI{60}{\micro\ampere}' at 4.02,60
set multiplot
set grid mxtics mytics lt -1 lc rgb 'gray90'
plot NaN notitle
unset grid
set grid xtics ytics lt -1 lc rgb 'gray70'
plot NaN notitle
unset grid
plot NaN notitle
Id(x) = 347*sin(2*3.14*x) + 60
ID(x) = Id(x) >= 0 ? Id(x) : 0
plot ID(x) w filledcurves above y1=0 lc rgb 'light-blue',\
60 w lines lt 2 lw 3 lc rgb 'gray60',\
ID(x) w lines lt 1 lw 5 lc rgb 'navy'
plot NaN notitle
unset multiplot
set out
#set term tikz size 17cm,10cm dashed standalone header '\usepackage{siunitx}'
#set out 'MosfetClassAbPower.tex'
#TSCALE = 1.0
set terminal pdfcairo dashed
set out 'MosfetClassAbPowerFixed.pdf'
TSCALE = 20.0 # use this value for e.g. pdfcairo or cairolatex
TITLE = 'MOSFET $I_D$ Vs Time'
YLABEL = 'Drain Current (in \si{\uA})'
XLABEL = 'Time (in \si{\ms})'
set style fill transparent solid 0.5 noborder
set xrange [0:4]
set xtics 0,0.5,4
set mxtics 4
set yrange [-50:450]
set mytics 4
set rmargin 5
LABEL = '\SI{60}{\uA}'
set label 1 LABEL at graph 1.01, first 60
unset key
set samples 1000
set multiplot
set title TITLE
set ylabel YLABEL
set xlabel XLABEL
unset border
set tics scale 0,0.001
set grid mxtics mytics lt -1 lc rgb 'gray90'
plot NaN
unset grid
# keep the current margins for all following plots
set lmargin at screen TSCALE*GPVAL_TERM_XMIN/(1.0*GPVAL_TERM_XSIZE)
set rmargin at screen TSCALE*GPVAL_TERM_XMAX/(1.0*GPVAL_TERM_XSIZE)
set tmargin at screen TSCALE*GPVAL_TERM_YMAX/(1.0*GPVAL_TERM_YSIZE)
set bmargin at screen TSCALE*GPVAL_TERM_YMIN/(1.0*GPVAL_TERM_YSIZE)
# unset almost everything
unset border
unset label
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
set format x ''
set format y ''
unset title
set grid xtics ytics lt -1 lc rgb 'gray70'
plot NaN
unset grid
Id(x) = 347*sin(2*3.14*x) + 60
ID(x) = Id(x) >= 0 ? Id(x) : 0
plot ID(x) w filledcurves above y1=0 lc rgb 'light-blue',\
60 w lines lt 2 lw 3 lc rgb 'gray60',\
ID(x) w lines lt 1 lw 5 lc rgb 'navy'
# overdraw borders on left, right, top, bottom
set object 1 rectangle from screen 0, screen 0 to graph 0, screen 1 back \
fillstyle solid noborder
set object 2 rectangle from graph 1, screen 0 to screen 1, screen 1 back \
fillstyle solid noborder
set object 3 rectangle from screen 0, graph 1 to screen 1, screen 1 back \
fillstyle solid noborder
set object 4 rectangle from screen 0, screen 0 to screen 1, graph 0 back \
fillstyle solid noborder
plot NaN
unset object 1
unset object 2
unset object 3
unset object 4
set title TITLE
set ylabel YLABEL
set xlabel XLABEL
set label 1 LABEL at graph 1.01, first 60
set format x
set format y
set tics scale 1,0.5 front
set border
set border lw 2
plot NaN
unset multiplot
set out