Use Case

Android fragment that consumes items of T from a ReceiveChannel<T>. Once consumed, the Ts should be removed from the ReceiveChannel<T>.

I need a ReceiveChannel<T> that supports consuming items from it. It should function as a FIFO queue.

I currently attach to the channel from my UI like:

launch(uiJob) { channel.consumeEach{ /** ... */ } }

I detach by calling uiJob.cancel().

Desired behavior:

val channel = Channel<Int>(UNLIMITED)

// ui attaches, receives `1` and `2`
channel.send(3) // ui immediately receives `3`
// ui detaches
// ui attaches, receiving `4` and `5`

Unfortunately, when I detach from the channel, the channel is closed. This causes .send(4) and .send(5) to throw exceptions because the channel is closed. I want to be able to detach from the channel and have it remain usable. How can I do this?

Channel<Int>(UNLIMITED) fits my use case perfect, except that is closes the channel when it is unsubscribed from. I want the channel to remain open. Is this possible?


2 回答 2


Channel.consumeEach method calls Channel.consume method which has this line in documentation:

Makes sure that the given block consumes all elements from the given channel by always invoking cancel after the execution of the block.

So the solution is to simply not use consume[Each]. For example you can do:

launch(uiJob) { for (it in channel) { /** ... */ } }

于 2018-06-08T21:34:53.410 回答

You can use BroadcastChannel. However, you need to specify a limited size (such as 1), as UNLIMITED and 0 (for rendez-vous) are not supported by BroadcastChannel.

You can also use ConflatedBroadcastChannel which always gives the latest value it had to new subscribers, like LiveData is doing.

BTW, is it a big deal if you new Fragment instance receives only the latest value? If not, then just go with ConflatedBroadcastChannel. Otherwise, none of BroacastChannels may suit your use case (try it and see if you get the behavior you're looking for).

于 2018-06-08T21:36:50.767 回答