以下模型是 Preece and Baines (1978, Annals of Human Biology ) 的模型 1,用于描述人类的成长。



```{stan output.var="test"}
 data {
  int<lower=1> n;
  ordered[n] t; // age
  ordered[n] y; // height of human
 parameters {
  positive_ordered[2] h;
  real<lower=0, upper=t[n-1]>theta;
  positive_ordered[2] s; 
 model {
  h[1] ~ uniform(0, y[n]);
  h[2] ~ normal(180, 20);
  sigma ~ student_t(2, 0, 1);
  s[1] ~ normal(5, 5);
  s[2] ~ normal(5, 5);
  theta ~ normal(10, 5);
  y ~ normal(h[2] - (2*(h[2] - h[1]) * inv(exp(s[1]*(t - theta)) + exp(s[2]*(t - theta)))), sigma);

我现在想创建此模型的分层版本,其参数建模在男孩之间相同(例如测量变异性sigma)或分层版本(例如 h_1,成人身高)。


至于参数sigmatheta,我想保持这些先验在男孩之间与sigma ~ student_t(2, 0, 1);和相同theta ~ normal(10, 5);

不幸的是,我几乎没有实施分层建模的经验,而且我一直在努力尝试做任何分层示例,而不是贝叶斯教科书中的简单二项式分层模型(参见 Richard McElreath 的Statistical Rethinking的第 12 章,第 358-359 页)。然而,我确实理解层次建模背后的理论,正如Andrew Gelman的Bayesian Data Analysis第 5 章和Richard McElreath的Statistical Rethinking的第 12 章所写的那样。

我很想知道如何在 Stan 中实现这种类型的层次模型。理想情况下,我会在代码旁边寻求解释,以便将来我可以学习如何独立实现这些类型的分层模型示例。


    age boy01 boy02 boy03 boy04 boy05 boy06 boy07 boy08 boy09 boy10 boy11 boy12 boy13 boy14 boy15 boy16 boy17 boy18
 1  1     81.3  76.2  76.8  74.1  74.2  76.8  72.4  73.8  75.4  78.8  76.9  81.6  78    76.4  76.4  76.2  75    79.7
 2  1.25  84.2  80.4  79.8  78.4  76.3  79.1  76    78.7  81    83.3  79.9  83.7  81.8  79.4  81.2  79.2  78.4  81.3
 3  1.5   86.4  83.2  82.6  82.6  78.3  81.1  79.4  83    84.9  87    84.1  86.3  85    83.4  86    82.3  82    83.3
 4  1.75  88.9  85.4  84.7  85.4  80.3  84.4  82    85.8  87.9  89.6  88.5  88.8  86.4  87.6  89.2  85.4  84    86.5
 5  2     91.4  87.6  86.7  88.1  82.2  87.4  84.2  88.4  90    91.4  90.6  92.2  87.1  91.4  92.2  88.4  85.9  88.9
 6  3    101.   97    94.2  98.6  89.4  94    93.2  97.3  97.3 100.   96.6  99.3  96.2 101.  101.  101    95.6  99.4
 7  4    110.  105.  100.  104.   96.9 102.  102.  107.  103.  111   105.  106.  104   106.  110.  107.  102.  104. 
 8  5    116.  112.  107.  111   104.  109.  109   113.  108.  118.  112   113.  111   113.  117.  115.  109.  112. 
 9  6    122.  119.  112.  116.  111.  116.  117.  119.  114.  126.  119.  120.  117.  120.  122.  121.  118.  119  
10  7    130   125   119.  123.  116.  122.  123.  126.  120.  131.  125.  127.  124.  129.  130.  128   125.  128  

我承认小数位不精确。数据采用 tibble 表的形式,似乎没有响应 R 的常用命令以获得更高的精度。为了保持一致性,最好直接忽略第 5 行之后的所有行,因为第 1 - 5 行显示原始数据中存在的完整精度。


> Children$age
 [1]  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  2.00  3.00  4.00  5.00  6.00  7.00  8.00  8.50  9.00  9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50
[21] 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00

并且有 39 个男孩,以与上述样本相同的宽数据格式列出。


1 回答 1


免责声明:首先,让我们使用 Stan 拟合(非分层)非线性增长模型。

  1. 我们读入样本数据。

    df <- read.table(text = "
    age boy01 boy02 boy03 boy04 boy05 boy06 boy07 boy08 boy09 boy10 boy11 boy12 boy13 boy14 boy15 boy16 boy17 boy18
    1  1     81.3  76.2  76.8  74.1  74.2  76.8  72.4  73.8  75.4  78.8  76.9  81.6  78    76.4  76.4  76.2  75    79.7
    2  1.25  84.2  80.4  79.8  78.4  76.3  79.1  76    78.7  81    83.3  79.9  83.7  81.8  79.4  81.2  79.2  78.4  81.3
    3  1.5   86.4  83.2  82.6  82.6  78.3  81.1  79.4  83    84.9  87    84.1  86.3  85    83.4  86    82.3  82    83.3
    4  1.75  88.9  85.4  84.7  85.4  80.3  84.4  82    85.8  87.9  89.6  88.5  88.8  86.4  87.6  89.2  85.4  84    86.5
    5  2     91.4  87.6  86.7  88.1  82.2  87.4  84.2  88.4  90    91.4  90.6  92.2  87.1  91.4  92.2  88.4  85.9  88.9
    6  3    101.   97    94.2  98.6  89.4  94    93.2  97.3  97.3 100.   96.6  99.3  96.2 101.  101.  101    95.6  99.4
    7  4    110.  105.  100.  104.   96.9 102.  102.  107.  103.  111   105.  106.  104   106.  110.  107.  102.  104.
    8  5    116.  112.  107.  111   104.  109.  109   113.  108.  118.  112   113.  111   113.  117.  115.  109.  112.
    9  6    122.  119.  112.  116.  111.  116.  117.  119.  114.  126.  119.  120.  117.  120.  122.  121.  118.  119
    10  7    130   125   119.  123.  116.  122.  123.  126.  120.  131.  125.  127.  124.  129.  130.  128   125.  128", header = T, row.names = 1);
    df <- df %>%
        gather(boy, height, -age);
  2. 我们定义了 Stan 模型。

    model <- "
    data {
        int N;                                       // Number of observations
        real y[N];                                   // Height
        real t[N];                                   // Time
    parameters {
        real<lower=0,upper=1> s[2];
        real h_theta;
        real theta;
        real sigma;
    transformed parameters {
        vector[N] mu;
        real h1;
        h1 = max(y);
        for (i in 1:N)
            mu[i] = h1 - 2 * (h1 - h_theta) / (exp(s[1] * (t[i] - theta)) + (exp(s[2] * (t[i] - theta))));
    model {
        // Priors
        s ~ cauchy(0, 2.5);
        y ~ normal(mu, sigma);


  3. 使模型适合数据。

    options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores());
    rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE);    
    model <- stan(
        model_code = model,
        data = list(
            N = nrow(df),
            y = df$height,
            t = df$age),
        iter = 4000);
  4. 6个模型参数汇总:

    summary(model, pars = c("h1", "h_theta", "theta", "s", "sigma"))$summary 
    #               mean     se_mean        sd        2.5%         25%         50%
    #h1      131.0000000 0.000000000 0.0000000 131.0000000 131.0000000 131.0000000
    #h_theta 121.6874553 0.118527828 2.7554944 115.4316738 121.1654809 122.2134014
    #theta     6.5895553 0.019738319 0.5143429   5.4232740   6.4053479   6.6469534
    #s[1]      0.7170836 0.214402086 0.3124318   0.1748077   0.3843143   0.8765256
    #s[2]      0.3691174 0.212062373 0.3035039   0.1519308   0.1930381   0.2066811
    #sigma     3.1524819 0.003510676 0.1739904   2.8400096   3.0331962   3.1411533
    #                75%       97.5%       n_eff     Rhat
    #h1      131.0000000 131.0000000 8000.000000      NaN
    #h_theta 123.0556379 124.3928800  540.453594 1.002660
    #theta     6.8790801   7.3376348  679.024115 1.002296
    #s[1]      0.9516115   0.9955989    2.123501 3.866466
    #s[2]      0.2954409   0.9852540    2.048336 6.072550
    #sigma     3.2635849   3.5204101 2456.231113 1.001078

    那么这是什么意思?从 和 的值Rhat可以看出,这两个参数存在收敛问题。这是因为和是无法区分的:它们不能同时被估计。更强的正则化先验并且可能会将其中一个参数驱动为零。s[1]s[2]s[1]s[2]s[1]s[2]s





  1. 在解决方案的收敛性方面,将其positive_ordered用作数据类型s会产生显着差异。我不清楚为什么会这样,我也不知道 Stan 是如何实现positive_ordered的,但它确实有效。

  2. 在这种分层方法中,我们通过考虑 部分汇集所有男孩的身高数据h1 ~ normal(mu_h1, sigma_h1),超参数先验mu_h1 ~ normal(max(y), 10)和半柯西先验sigma_h1 ~ cauchy(0, 10)(它是半柯西,因为sigma被声明为real<lower=0>)。

  3. 老实说,我不确定某些参数的解释(和可解释性)。h_1和的估计值h_theta非常相似,并且在某种程度上相互抵消。我想这会在拟合模型时产生一些收敛问题,但正如您进一步看到的那样,Rhat值似乎还可以。尽管如此,由于我对模型、数据及其上下文知之甚少,我仍然对这些参数的可解释性持怀疑态度。从统计建模的角度来看,通过将其他一些参数转换为组级参数来扩展模型很简单;但是,我认为困难将源于无法区分和缺乏可解释性。



model_code <- "
data {
    int N;                                       // Number of observations
    int J;                                       // Number of boys
    int<lower=1,upper=J> boy[N];                 // Boy of observation
    real y[N];                                   // Height
    real t[N];                                   // Time

parameters {
    real<lower=0> h1[J];
    real<lower=0> h_theta;
    real<lower=0> theta;
    positive_ordered[2] s;
    real<lower=0> sigma;

    // Hyperparameters
    real<lower=0> mu_h1;
    real<lower=0> sigma_h1;

transformed parameters {
    vector[N] mu;

    for (i in 1:N)
        mu[i] = h1[boy[i]] - 2 * (h1[boy[i]] - h_theta) / (exp(s[1] * (t[i] - theta)) + (exp(s[2] * (t[i] - theta))));

model {
    h1 ~ normal(mu_h1, sigma_h1);          // Partially pool h1 parameters across boys

    mu_h1 ~ normal(max(y), 10);            // Prior on h1 hyperparameter mu
    sigma_h1 ~ cauchy(0, 10);              // Half-Cauchy prior on h1 hyperparameter sigma
    h_theta ~ normal(max(y), 2);           // Prior on h_theta
    theta ~ normal(max(t), 2);             // Prior on theta
    s ~ cauchy(0, 1);                      // Half-Cauchy priors on s[1] and s[2]

    y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

总结:我们汇集了所有男孩的身高数据,通过将成人身高参数建模为h1 ~ normal(mu_h1, sigma_h1),其中超参数mu_h1sigma_h1表征所有男孩的成人身高值的正态分布来改进组(即男孩)水平的估计。我们在超参数上选择弱信息先验,并在所有剩余参数上选择弱信息先验,类似于第一个完整池示例。


# Fit model
fit <- stan(
    model_code = model_code,
    data = list(
        N = nrow(df),
        J = length(unique(df$boy)),
        boy = df$boy,
        y = df$height,
        t = df$age),
    iter = 4000)



# Get summary
summary(fit, pars = c("h1", "h_theta", "theta", "s", "sigma"))$summary
#               mean      se_mean         sd        2.5%         25%        50%
#h1[1]   142.9406153 0.1046670943 2.41580757 138.4272280 141.2858391 142.909765
#h1[2]   143.7054020 0.1070466445 2.46570025 139.1301456 142.0233342 143.652657
#h1[3]   144.0352331 0.1086953809 2.50145442 139.3982034 142.3131167 143.971473
#h1[4]   143.8589955 0.1075753575 2.48015745 139.2689731 142.1666685 143.830347
#h1[5]   144.7359976 0.1109871908 2.55284812 140.0529359 142.9917503 144.660586
#h1[6]   143.9844938 0.1082691127 2.49497990 139.3378948 142.2919990 143.926931
#h1[7]   144.3857221 0.1092604239 2.51645359 139.7349112 142.6665955 144.314645
#h1[8]   143.7469630 0.1070594855 2.46860328 139.1748700 142.0660983 143.697302
#h1[9]   143.6841113 0.1072208284 2.47391295 139.0885987 141.9839040 143.644357
#h1[10]  142.9518072 0.1041206784 2.40729732 138.4289207 141.3114204 142.918407
#h1[11]  143.5352502 0.1064173663 2.45712021 138.9607665 141.8547610 143.483157
#h1[12]  143.0941582 0.1050061258 2.42894673 138.5579378 141.4295430 143.055576
#h1[13]  143.6194965 0.1068494690 2.46574352 138.9426195 141.9412820 143.577920
#h1[14]  143.4477182 0.1060254849 2.44776536 138.9142081 141.7708660 143.392231
#h1[15]  143.1415683 0.1049131998 2.42575487 138.6246642 141.5014391 143.102219
#h1[16]  143.5686919 0.1063594201 2.45328456 139.0064573 141.8962853 143.510276
#h1[17]  144.0170715 0.1080567189 2.49269747 139.4162885 142.3138300 143.965127
#h1[18]  143.4740997 0.1064867748 2.45545200 138.8768051 141.7989566 143.426211
#h_theta 134.3394366 0.0718785944 1.72084291 130.9919889 133.2348411 134.367152
#theta     8.2214374 0.0132434918 0.45236221   7.4609612   7.9127800   8.164685
#s[1]      0.1772044 0.0004923951 0.01165119   0.1547003   0.1705841   0.177522
#s[2]      1.6933846 0.0322953612 1.18334358   0.6516669   1.1630900   1.463148
#sigma     2.2601677 0.0034146522 0.13271459   2.0138514   2.1657260   2.256678
#                75%       97.5%     n_eff     Rhat
#h1[1]   144.4795105 147.8847202  532.7265 1.008214
#h1[2]   145.2395543 148.8419618  530.5599 1.008187
#h1[3]   145.6064981 149.2080965  529.6183 1.008087
#h1[4]   145.4202919 149.0105666  531.5363 1.008046
#h1[5]   146.3200407 150.0701757  529.0592 1.008189
#h1[6]   145.5551778 149.1365279  531.0372 1.008109
#h1[7]   145.9594956 149.5996605  530.4593 1.008271
#h1[8]   145.3032680 148.8695637  531.6824 1.008226
#h1[9]   145.2401743 148.7674840  532.3662 1.008023
#h1[10]  144.4811712 147.9218834  534.5465 1.007937
#h1[11]  145.1153635 148.5968945  533.1235 1.007988
#h1[12]  144.6479561 148.0546831  535.0652 1.008115
#h1[13]  145.1660639 148.6562172  532.5386 1.008138
#h1[14]  144.9975197 148.5273804  532.9900 1.008067
#h1[15]  144.6733010 148.1130207  534.6057 1.008128
#h1[16]  145.1163764 148.6027096  532.0396 1.008036
#h1[17]  145.5578107 149.2014363  532.1519 1.008052
#h1[18]  145.0249329 148.4886949  531.7060 1.008055
#h_theta 135.4870338 137.6753254  573.1698 1.006818
#theta     8.4812339   9.2516700 1166.7226 1.002306
#s[1]      0.1841457   0.1988365  559.9036 1.005333
#s[2]      1.8673249   4.1143099 1342.5839 1.001562
#sigma     2.3470429   2.5374239 1510.5824 1.001219


最后,我们绘制了所有男孩的成年身高估计值h_1,包括 50% 和 97% 的置信区间。

# Plot h1 values
summary(fit, pars = c("h1"))$summary %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column("Variable") %>%
        Variable = gsub("(h1\\[|\\])", "", Variable),
        Variable = df$key[match(Variable, df$boy)]) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = `50%`, y = Variable)) +
    geom_point(size = 3) +
    geom_segment(aes(x = `2.5%`, xend = `97.5%`, yend = Variable), size = 1) +
    geom_segment(aes(x = `25%`, xend = `75%`, yend = Variable), size = 2) +
    labs(x = "Median (plus/minus 95% and 50% CIs)", y = "h1")


于 2018-06-07T22:38:08.003 回答