My game contains multiple scenes and I want play continuous game music between multiple scenes.
For this purpose, I have written code like this:
public static SoundManager Instance { get { return instance; } }
public AudioClip[] levelClips;
public AudioSource bgMusicAS;
private static SoundManager instance;
private bool isSoundEnable;
private void Awake ()
if (SoundManager.Instance != null) {
Destroy (gameObject);
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
instance = this;
isSoundEnable = DataStorage.RetrieveSoundStatus ();
At main menu of game, above code script get executed and Don'tDestroyOnLoad AudioSource gameobject get created. But when I move ahead into game play scene, game music started from first, now from where we left in main menu scene.
I want this to be continuous between all scenes of game. Please give me some suggestion for this.
This is the way how I play and pause background music.
public void PlayLevelMusic (int musicId)
if (!isSoundEnable)
bgMusicAS.clip = levelClips [musicId];
bgMusicAS.Play ();
public void StopLevelMusic ()
bgMusicAS.Pause ();
At new scene start, automatically background music get started from first in all scenes I have.