var Operator = document.getElementById("operation");
var Desc = document.getElementById("description");
var Amount = document.getElementById("value");
var budget = 0.00;
var income = 0.00;
var expenses = 0.00;
var IncomeList = document.getElementById("incomeList");
var ExpenseList = document.getElementById("expenseList");
document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", function() {
var DButton = document.createElement("button");
var t = document.createTextNode("Delete");
// Converts the fake (non-existant)numbers into real (functionable) numbers
var aValue = parseFloat(Amount.value);
// if the operator is +, budget and income will increase by whatever you type in the value
if (Operator.value == "+") {
budget = budget += aValue;
income = income += aValue;
// The value that was typed along with description in will appear in the Income list in each line
IncomeList.innerHTML = IncomeList.innerHTML + Desc.value + ": " + aValue;
IncomeList.innerHTML = IncomeList.innerHTML + "<br>";
} else {
budget = budget -= aValue;
expenses = expenses -= aValue;
ExpenseList.innerHTML = ExpenseList.innerHTML + Desc.value + ": " + aValue;
ExpenseList.innerHTML = ExpenseList.innerHTML + "<br>";
// Declaring statements to make it easier to input
document.getElementById("budget").innerText = budget;
document.getElementById("incomeTotal").innerText = income;
document.getElementById("expenseTotal").innerText = expenses;
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="top">
<p id="day">Available Budget in January 2018:</p>
<p id="budget">0.00</p>
<div id="income" class="highlight">
<p id="incomeTotal">+0.00</p>
<div id="expenses" class="highlight">
<p id="expenseTotal">-0.00</p>
<div id="controls">
<select id="operation">
<input type="text" placeholder="Add description" id="description" required/>
<input type="number" min="1" placeholder="Value" id="value" />
<button id="submit">✓</button>
<div id="content">
<div id="incomeList">
<div id="expenseList">
嗨,这是我为练习 JavaScript 而制作的预算跟踪器。因此,每当用户输入描述和金额并按下提交时,列表将与删除每一行的删除按钮一起显示。我应该如何处理这种方法?因为按钮是由 createElement 新创建的,所以我不知道如何使它成为一个处理程序......谢谢。