我正在尝试编写最佳算法来选择列表中较大的第 i 个元素。例如,如果 array = [4,3,5,7] 并且我搜索第二个,该函数将返回 4。



该函数有时会返回 None。


from random import shuffle

def partition(array, leftend, rightend, pivot):
    """ I tested this one and it should work fine """
    i = leftend
    pivotindex = array.index(pivot)  # only works if all values in array unique
    array[pivotindex] = array[leftend]
    array[leftend] = pivot
    for j in range(leftend+1, rightend):
        if array[j] < pivot:
            temp = array[j]
            array[j] = array[i]
            array[i] = temp
            i += 1
    pivotindex = array.index(pivot)  # only works if all values in array unique
    leftendval = array[pivotindex]   # Take the value of the pivot
    array[pivotindex] = array[i]
    array[i] = leftendval
    return array

def RSelect(array, n, statistic_order):
    """ list * int * int
        statistic_order = the i th element i'm searching for """
    new_array = []                  # is used at the end of the function
    if n == 1:
        return array[0]
    array_temp = array              # Allows to have a shuffled list and
    pivot = array_temp[0]           # Allows to have a random pivot
    j = array.index(pivot)

    if j == statistic_order:
        return pivot

    elif j > statistic_order:
        for k in range(0,j):

    elif j < statistic_order:
        for k in range(j+1,n):

2 回答 2


代码工作正常,但结果仍然从 0 开始。例如,如果 arr = [2,3,5,6] 并且我要求 RSelect(arr,4,2),答案将是 5 而不是 3。我不知道为什么。


from random import shuffle

def partition(array, leftend, rightend, pivot):
    i = leftend
    pivotindex = array.index(pivot)  # only works if all values in array unique
    array[pivotindex] = array[leftend]
    array[leftend] = pivot
    for j in range(leftend+1, rightend):
        if array[j] < pivot:
            temp = array[j]
            array[j] = array[i]
            array[i] = temp
            i += 1
    pivotindex = array.index(pivot)  # only works if all values in array unique
    leftendval = array[pivotindex]   # Take the value of the pivot
    array[pivotindex] = array[i]
    array[i] = leftendval

def RSelect(array, n, statistic_order):
    """ list * int * int
        statistic_order = the i th element i'm searching for """
    if n == 1:
        return array[0]

    array_temp = array              # Allows to have a shuffled list
    pivot = array_temp[0]           # Allows to have a random pivot
    j = array.index(pivot)

    if j == statistic_order:
        return pivot

    elif j > statistic_order:
        return RSelect(array[0:j],j,statistic_order)

    elif j < statistic_order:
        return RSelect(array[j+1:n],(n-j)-1,statistic_order-j-1)
于 2018-05-27T16:40:57.787 回答


  • 在任何情况下,您都需要以递归方法返回结果!
  • 当 j < statistic_order 时,您递归地处理数组的右侧部分,并丢弃 j+1 个数字,而不是 j。请记住,python 中的索引从 0 开始,而不是 1 !

我还更改了一些东西,例如无用的参数,或者可以用切片编写的 for 循环。



def RSelect(array, statistic_order):
    """ list * int * int
    statistic_order = the i th element i'm searching for """
    n = len(array)
    if n == 1:
        return array[0]
    array_temp = array              # Allows to have a shuffled list and
    pivot = array_temp[0]           # Allows to have a random pivot
    array = partition(array,0,n,pivot)  # Changes here, does not impact the result, but for readability
    j = array.index(pivot)

    # print(array, j, statistic_order, end = '\t')
    if j == statistic_order:
        return pivot

    elif j > statistic_order:
        assert j > 0
        # print((array[0:j]), pivot)
        return RSelect(array[0:j],statistic_order)  # Changes here : return

    elif j < statistic_order:
        assert j+1 < n
        # print(pivot, (array[j+1:n]))
        return RSelect(array[j+1:n],statistic_order-j-1)  # Changes here : return, -j-1

主要的 :

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sys import argv
    if len(argv) > 1:
       n = int(argv[1])
    arr = [2, 1, 3, 5, 4]
    print(RSelect(arr[:], n))

为此目的,它也在 O(n) 中存在另一种算法:请参阅


于 2018-05-23T13:37:42.053 回答