我正在尝试在 Worklight 中创建基于适配器的身份验证。我已将我的领域、安全测试和登录模块添加到 authenticationConfig 文件中。我试图跟随 IBM 提供的模块。我已经复制了 WL.Server.setActiveUser 方法的确切语法甚至硬编码值。但我继续收到错误消息。我可以在一定范围内使用此方法吗?有谁看到或知道我的错误在哪里?
LOG: Request [login]
LOG: Request [/apps/services/api/GPC2/android/query]
LOG: response [/apps/services/api/GPC2/android/query] success: /*-secure-
{"responseID":"1","isSuccessful":true,"resultSet REMOVED LINE THAT CONTAINED DB RESULTS FOR SECURITY
[/apps/services/api/GPC2/android/query] exception.
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'setActiveUser': object is null or undefined
var lname= responseData.invocationResult.resultSet[0].somelastname;
var gpcid = responseData.invocationResult.resultSet[0].someid;
var fname = responseData.invocationResult.resultSet[0].somefname;
WL.Logger.debug("Login :: SUCCESS" + lname + " " + gpcid + " " + fname); //this line does write the values to the log
WL.Server.setActiveUser ("NotificationsRealm", {
userId: gpcid,
displayName: fname,
attributes: {
firstName: fname,
lastName : lname,
isUserAuthenticated: 1,