天啊。我在从我的代码中删除 for 循环方面非常糟糕,因为我发现它们非常直观,而且我首先学习了 C++。下面,我正在为搜索(在本例中为 copd)获取 ID,并使用该 ID 检索其完整的 XML 文件,并将其位置保存到向量中。我不知道如何加快速度,在 700 个 ID 上运行大约需要 5 分钟,而大多数搜索都有 70,000 多个 ID。感谢您的任何指导。
# number of articles for term copd
count <- entrez_search(db = "pubmed", term = "copd")$count
# set max to count
id <- entrez_search(db = "pubmed", term = "copd", retmax = count)$ids
# empty vector that will soon contain locations
location <- character()
# get all location data
for (i in 1:count)
# get ID of each search
test <- entrez_fetch(db = "pubmed", id = id[i], rettype = "XML")
# convert to XML
test_list <- XML::xmlToList(test)
# retrieve location
location <- c(location, test_list$PubmedArticle$MedlineCitation$Article$AuthorList$Author$AffiliationInfo$Affiliation)