在 AXIS stream speck 中,ACLK 定义为:

全局时钟信号。所有信号都在 ACLK 的上升沿采样。

这意味着假设 AXIS 主机和从机接收相同的 ACLK。请您帮助理解以下内容:
1) 如果 AXIS 主从模块上存在 ACLK 转换,则由设计人员负责。Speck 对此没有任何限制。我的理解对吗?
2) 数据传输应该是 ACLK 中心对齐。所以开发者应该让 AXIS 主机发送时钟中心对齐的数据。正确的?
3)如何进行以ACLK为中心的数据传输?假设您在整个系统中有全局时钟,要使要传输的数据时钟中心与该数据对齐,您需要生成与全局时钟相左移的新时钟。任何想法我们如何在 FPGA 中做到这一点?


1 回答 1


I think the problem is in your understanding of English.
-centric is not the same as centre (or center).

Centric means here "The most important, where everything revolves around" It does not mean that the data is in the middle (centre) of the clock.

Thus in an AXI/AMBA system you must make sure all components use the same clock signal and all logic should run from the rising clock edge. That is in the same, standard, requirement of all synchronous logic.

Now to answer your questions:

1) If there is a ACLK slew on AXIS master and slave blocks,it is left under designer responsibility. Speck does not set any limitation on that. Is my understanding right?

You should not have clock skew. If you have, your are in deep trouble and yes, you have to solve that. Avoid it at all cost!

2) The data transfer should be ACLK center aligned. So the developer should make the AXIS master to send clock center aligned data. Right?

No. Everything is clocked of the rising clock edge. Which means the data will start changing shortly after that rising clock edge. You can see this in all the timing diagrams which are in the AXI/AMBA standard.

3) How to make ACLK centric data transfer? Imagine you have global clock in the whole system, to make data to be transferred clock center aligned to that data, you need to generate new clock which has phase left shifted from your global clock. Any ideas how we can do it in FPGA?

All you do is use the same ACLK signal everywhere. Do not shift the clock, do not generate a new clock.

Here are some Verilog modules I designed:

module ahbl_arbiter
#(parameter MA   = 4    // Number of masters 2..8
(  input                clk,       // System clock
   input                reset_n,   // System reset
   input                clken,     // Clock enable  

module ahbl_splitter
#(parameter SL   = 4,   // Number of slaves 2..32
            L2BS = 10   // Log 2 of block size 10 = 1K
(  input              clk,       // System clock
   input              reset_n,   // System reset
   input              clken,     // Clock enable

module apb_bridge
   NS   = 8,     // Number of slaves
   L2BS = 10,    // Log2 Address block assigned each peripheral
   REG  = 1'b0   // Register in rdata return path
(  input                  clk,       // System clock
   input                  reset_n,   // System reset
   input                  clken,     // Clock enable

If you use these they all have the same clock:

ahbl_arbiter_0 (
     .clk        (aclk),        // System clock
     .reset_n    (reset_n),     // System reset
     .clken      (clken),       // Clock enable

apb_bride_0 (
      .clk        (aclk),        // System clock
      .reset_n    (reset_n),     // System reset
      .clken      (clken),       // Clock enable

ahbl_splitter_0 (
      .clk       (aclk),        // System clock 
      .reset_n   (reset_n),     // System reset 
      .clken     (clken),       // Clock enable 
于 2018-05-20T05:44:03.153 回答