Trying to parse the xml below in NiFi and would like to parse all the ids out and make multiple web service calls for each id.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

Is there a way to parse out all the id inside Id tags? Either as an array ( 69E32281-0484, 3002AFCD-B494.............) or as a string (69E32281-0484 3002AFCD-B4942C9E17AC-9D97...............) using the Evaluate-XPath or Evaluate-xQuery Processors?

//*[local-name()='Id']/text() -------- This gives me only the 1st id. and 
//*[local-name()='Id'][2]/text() ------- This gives the 2nd id and so on....
//Id -------------------------------- This returns "Empty string set"  

As the number of Ids are going to be dynamic. It is not possible to hard code the counter value like [0], [1], [2]........ to get the value of each id.

PS: There are many other ways to get this done in NiFi. But would like to know if there is a way to read XML with EvaluateXpath processor and get all the id tag values as an array or as a text.

Related links

1) https://community.hortonworks.com/questions/101922/how-to-use-evaluatexpath-to-get-xml-roots-attribut.html



1 回答 1


Currently EvaluateXPath only allows a single element in the Nodeset, even when the destination is flowfile-content. I have written up an improvement Jira (NIFI-5187) to cover the support for Nodesets with multiple elements.

As a workaround, you can use EvaluateXQuery with //*/Id and it will issue a flow file for each of your IDs. Then you can process each individually, calling whichever web services you like.

于 2018-05-11T16:58:42.000 回答