attends(476, c216).
attends(478, c216).
attends(484, c216).
attends(487, c216).
attends(491, c216).
bagof(C,attends(Y,C), L1),intersect(L1,W1,L),length(L,E).
%W1 : Week-1 (List: contains courses that will be exams on).
%L : List of intersection between students courses and the ones that
% will be exams on that week(W1). (It is returned only for
% debugging, i don't actually need this
% E : INT : Number of courses the student will be examined on the 1st week
其中 W1 (Week1) 将是一个包含 3 门课程的列表(例如 W1= [c216,c205,c902]),E 将是学生将参加考试的课程数量。
问题是每个学生都会有回溯,所以我必须按“;”。因此,对于每个学生来说,都有一个不同的 E。相反,我想要的是将所有这些 E 值放在一个列表中,而无需按“;” 然后看看有多少个 E 值大于 2 (>2)。