资源的 Unity 上下文菜单有各种有用的快捷方式,但没有快捷方式来快速创建自定义编辑器。相反,如果我想创建一个自定义编辑器,我必须完成所有这些烦人的样板步骤:

  1. 创建Editor目录(如果尚未创建),然后转到正确的子目录
  2. Create-> C# Script(实际上应该称为C# Component Script
  3. 删除所有MonoBehavior东西
  4. 附加Editor到类名
  5. 添加using UnityEditor
  6. 添加CustomEditor属性
  7. 继承自Editor




1 回答 1



我编写了这个小脚本,它在上下文菜单中添加了一个新的Add Custom Editor MenuItem :Assets



  1. 右键单击文件夹Component中的脚本。Scripts
  2. 选择Add Custom Editor
  3. 该组件现在有一个Editor自动选择的组件,因此您可以根据需要对其进行修改。它具有相同的名称(Editor附加)并且位于相同的相对路径中,但在Scripts/Editor文件夹中

下面的屏幕截图显示了一个示例:给定 script Scripts/Test/TestScript,它在Scripts/Editor/Test/TestScriptEditor.

注意:MenuItem 将被禁用,除非您选择了以下脚本:

  1. 有一个.cs文件结尾
  2. 位于Scripts文件夹下的某处(可以嵌套在任何子目录中)
  3. 不在Editor文件夹中
  4. 还没有编辑器



  1. Create->C# Script
  2. 叫它AddCustomEditorMenuItem
  3. 用这个 gist中的代码替换它的内容
  4. 完毕!
  5. 测试它:右键单击Scripts目录中的脚本文件。


  • 找出所有路径花费了大部分时间:
scriptName = scriptAsset.name;

// get system file path
scriptPath = Path.GetFullPath(ProjectRoot + AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (scriptAsset));

// get file name of the editor file
editorFileName = GetEditorFileNameFor (scriptName);

// split the script path
var results = scriptPathRegex.Matches (scriptPath).GetEnumerator ();
results.MoveNext ();
var match = (Match)results.Current;
scriptsPath = match.Groups [1].Value;
scriptRelativePath = match.Groups [2].Value;

// re-combine editor path
editorPath = Path.Combine (scriptsPath, "Editor");
editorPath = Path.Combine (editorPath, scriptRelativePath);
editorPath = Path.Combine (editorPath, editorFileName);

// nicely formatted file path
editorPath = Path.GetFullPath(editorPath);
editorRelativeAssetPath = editorPath.Substring(ProjectRoot.Length);
  • 一旦找到了路径,实际上编写文件就很容易了!
public void WriteCustomEditorFile ()
  // create all missing directories in the hierarchy
  Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (editorPath));

  // write file
  File.WriteAllText (editorPath, BuildCustomEditorCode(scriptName));

  // let Asset DB pick up the new file

  // highlight in GUI
  var os = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(editorRelativeAssetPath);
  EditorGUIUtility.PingObject (os[0]);

  // log
  Debug.Log("Created new custom Editor at: " + editorRelativeAssetPath);

// ...

/// <summary>
/// The menu item entry
/// </summary>
[MenuItem ("Assets/Add Custom Editor %#e", false, 0)]
public static void AddCustomEditor ()
  var scriptAsset = Selection.activeObject;

  // figure out paths
  var scriptPathInfo = new ScriptPathInfo (scriptAsset);

  // write file
  scriptPathInfo.WriteCustomEditorFile ();
  • 如果您不喜欢新创建的编辑器的默认内容,请随意编辑此部分:
static string BuildCustomEditorCode (string name)
  return @"using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
[CustomEditor(typeof(" + name + @"))]
public class " + name + @"Editor : Editor {

public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
  base.OnInspectorGUI ();
  var obj = (" + name + @") target;
  if (GUILayout.Button (""Hi!"")) {
    // do something with obj when button is clicked
    Debug.Log(""Button pressed for: "" + obj.name);
    EditorGUIUtility.PingObject (obj);
  • 如果您的菜单项始终显示为灰色,请考虑先查看我上面的解释,然后再调试确定是否选择了有效脚本的代码:
[MenuItem ("Assets/Add Custom Editor %#e", true, 0)]
public static bool ValidateAddCustomEditor ()
  var scriptAsset = Selection.activeObject;

  if (scriptAsset == null) {
    // nothing selected? (should probably not happen)
    return false;

  var path = ProjectRoot + AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (scriptAsset);

  if (!scriptPathRegex.IsMatch (path)) {
    // not a Script in the Script folder
    return false;

  if (editorScriptPathRegex.IsMatch (path)) {
    // we are not interested in Editor scripts
    return false;

  if (Directory.Exists (path)) {
    // it's a directory, but we want a file
    return false;

  var scriptPathInfo = new ScriptPathInfo (scriptAsset);

  //        Debug.Log (scriptPathInfo.scriptPath);
  //        Debug.Log (Path.GetFullPath(AssetsPath + "/../"));
  //        Debug.Log (scriptPathInfo.editorRelativeAssetPath);
  //        Debug.Log (scriptPathInfo.editorPath);

  if (File.Exists (scriptPathInfo.editorPath)) {
    // editor has already been created
    return false;

  // all good!
  return true;
于 2018-05-06T18:26:27.583 回答