您需要 StrPtr 的组合,可能是 Access 端的 StrConv 和 .NET 端的 IntPtr:
Private Declare PtrSafe Function Command Lib "External.dll" (ByVal CommandName As String, ByVal Result As LongPtr, ByRef ResultLength As Long) As Long
'VBA pre7
Private Declare Function Command Lib "External.dll" (ByVal CommandName As String, ByVal Result As Long, ByRef ResultLength As Long) As Long
'Example to use.
'Result will be up to "i" characters - no new string involved
Dim i As Long, x As Long, strResult As String
i = 100
strResult = Space(i)
x = Command(CommandName, Arguments, StrPtr(strResult), i)
如果您使用 StrConv,则字符串类型由您决定。如果你不这样做,指针将指向一个 Unicode 数组。
C# 方面:
[DllExport("Command", CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static int Command(string commandName, string arguments, IntPtr result, out /*or ref*/ int resultLength)
string inputStr = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(result); //Unicode
resultLength = inputStr.Length;
int x = MainFunc.Command(commandName, arguments, ref inputStr);
if(null == inputStr)
inputStr = "";
if(inputStr.Length > resultLength)
inputStr = inputStr.Substring(0, resultLength);
byte[] outputBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(inputStr);
Marshal.Copy(outputBytes, 0, result, outputBytes.Length);
resultLength = inputStr.Length;
return x;