我试图在 C 中计算 UDP 数据报的校验和。为了计算 UDP 校验和,您创建一个伪报头,将其作为数据报的前缀,然后计算伪的补码和的 16 位补码头和数据报。
~((n + k) - 1) // Where n and k are unsigned 16 bit integers.
这会给我计算 n 和 k 之间的补码加法的结果吗?
这是 UDP 校验和的代码:
uint16_t compute_udp_checksum(IP *ip, UDP *u,
void *data, int data_len)
void *buffer = NULL;
uint16_t sum = 0, *arr = NULL;
int size = UDP_SIZE + PS_SIZE + data_len;
ps = create_pseudo_hdr(ip, u); // Create the pseudo-header.
if (!ps) // If the pseudo header is not allocated, exit.
return 0;
if (size % 2) // If the size is not a multiple of 2,
size += 1; // then add 1 to do so.
buffer = malloc(size); // Allocate memory to the buffer.
if (!buffer) // If the memory is not allocated, exit.
return 0;
memset(buffer, 0, size); // Clear the memory.
memcpy(buffer, ps, PS_SIZE); // Copy the pseudo header.
memcpy(buffer + PS_SIZE, u, UDP_SIZE); // Then, copy the UDP header.
memcpy(buffer + PS_SIZE + UDP_SIZE, data, data_len); // Finally, copy the data.
arr = (uint16_t *) buffer;
int i = 0;
while (i < size) // Loop through the buffer.
sum = ones_complement_add(sum, ones_complement_add(arr[i], arr[i + 1])); // Perform a one's complement addition.
i += 2; // Go to the next pair.
/* Deallocate memory to the pseudo header and buffer. */
sum = ~sum; // Take the one's complement of the sum.
return sum;