测试台的初学者架构可以非常简单。只需 5 个进程(包括 clk 和 reset 进程)就可以测试很多组件。当您创建一个测试平台时,您通常会为您的被测设计 (DUT) 生成至少一个时钟和一个复位。对于这些过程,您可以保留以下内容,这应该适用于所有单时钟设计(无论复位是同步还是异步)。然后,您将创建一个刺激过程。此过程将允许您为 DUT 生成数据(您将影响连接到 DUT 的信号)。此过程可以定义模拟的结束。如果您想在没有修改信号(DUT 输入)的情况下测试序列,您可以设置一些信号并等待 100000 ns。
生成激励后,您可以启动仿真并手动验证您的 DUT 输出,但这不是最好的方法(可能在您的情况下,但不是在更大的设计中)。控制输出完整性的最简单方法是生成参考。此参考是您设计的预期反应。例如:如果你想实现一个等待 100 个时钟周期的设计。您将创建输出的参考信号,但您不必使用可以合成的 VHDL。您可以访问所有 VHDL 功能(等待、等到等...)。
最后,您将拥有最后一个过程,即检查器。这将比较 dut 输出和参考,以定义您的设计中是否存在一些错误。
不要忘记在所有过程中放置一条等待语句(取决于每个示例的 end_sim_s),以在模拟完所有内容后停止模拟
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tb_part5 is
port (
-- no IO for test bench
end entity;
architecture beha of tb_part5 is
-- Constants --
constant CLOCK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns; -- e.g.
-- Test bench signals --
signal clk_sti : std_logic := '0';
signal rst_sti : std_logic := '1'; -- !!! activ high !!!
-- end of sim flag
signal end_sim_s : boolean := false;
-- Clock generation --
clk_sti <= '1';
wait for CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
clk_sti <= '0';
wait for CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
if end_sim_s = true then
wait; -- end of simulation
end if;
end process;
-- Reset sequence --
rst <= '1';
wait for 2*CLOCK_PERIOD;
rst <= '0';
end process;
-- Stimulus process --
-- default values for DUT inputs
-- wait end of reset sequence
wait until (rst_sti = '0');
-- do something
-- end of simulation
end_sim_s <= true;
end process;
-- Reference process --
-- Check process --
-- DUT instanciation --
end beha;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tb_part5 is
port (
-- no IO in test bench
end entity;
architecture beha of tb_part5 is
-- Constants --
constant CLOCK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns; -- e.g.
-- Internals signals --
signal clk, key, rst : std_logic := '0'; --inputs
signal switch : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal led, led1 : std_logic; --outputs
signal dec0, dec1, dec2, dec3 : std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
-- test bench signals
signal end_sim_s : boolean := false;
switch <= "00001010";
-- Clock generation --
clk <= '0';
wait for CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
if end_sim_s = true then
wait; -- end of simulation
end if;
end process;
-- Reset sequence --
-- TIPS : if you want to be more efficient you should us a norm to
-- define your signal. A reset signal activ low can be called nRst for
-- exemple. Maybe actually you have an activ low reset but maybe not.
-- This exemple show a reset activ low sequence
rst <= '0';
wait for 2*CLOCK_PERIOD;
rst <= '1';
end process;
-- Your TEST bench --
-- this part do the same thing that you were asking.
-- the if statement in the previous version is not a good thing to do.
-- in fact, you want your process to wait until an event.
-- initial state (default value)
key <= '0';
-- wait until the end of reset sequence (just in case)
wait until (rst = '1'); -- e.g.
-- wait until DUT assert led
wait until (led = '1'); -- e.g.
-- start your sequence
key <= '1';
wait for 20 ns;
key <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
-- here you have 2 choices. let the process iterate a second time or just
-- end the simulation at this moment
-- stop here
-- notify the others process the end of simulation
end_sim_s <= true;
-- block process
end process;
-- DUT instanciation --
DUT : part5 port map (
CLOCK_50 => clk,
KEY0 => rst,
KEY3 => key,
SW => switch,
HEX3 => dec3,
HEX2 => dec2,
HEX1 => dec1,
HEX0 => dec0,
LEDR(0) => led,
LEDR(1) => led1
end beha;