为了以高效和 Python 的方式进行编码,您必须查看PythonSpeed和NumPy。下面可以找到一个使用 numpy 的更快代码的示例。
是按块工作,这些块的大小有一些默认值,但是可以修改它们(因为它们会影响速度)。因此,它只会迭代while current_toss<toss
。这是通过 numpy 实现的,它允许生成一个矩阵,其结果是重复flips_at_a_time
次数。该矩阵将包含 0(尾部)和 1(头部)。
# i.e. doing only 5 repetitions with 3 flips_at_a_time
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(repetitions_at_a_time,flips_per_try),p=probability)
# Out
[[0 0 0] # still no head, we will have to keep trying
[0 1 1] # head at the 2nd try (position 1 in python)
[1 0 0]
[1 0 1]
[0 0 1]]
就会被调用。这会找到对应于每行(重复)的最大值(将是 1,一个头)的索引,并且在多次出现的情况下,返回第一个,这正是所需要的,在一系列尾之后的第一个头.
maxs = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
# Out
[0 1 0 0 2]
# The first position is 0, however, flip_events[0,0]!=1, it's not a head!
但是,必须考虑所有行为 0 的情况。在这种情况下,最大值将为 0,它的第一次出现也将为 0,即第一列(尝试)。因此,我们检查在第一次尝试中找到的所有最大值是否对应于第一次尝试中的正面。
not_finished = (maxs==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
# Out
[ True False False False False] # first repetition is not finished
n = np.sum(not_finished)
while n!=0: # while there are sequences without any head
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(n,flips_per_try),p=probability) # number of experiments reduced to n (the number of all tails sequences)
maxs2 = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
maxs[not_finished] += maxs2+flips_per_try # take into account that there have been flips_per_try tries already (every iteration is added)
not_finished2 = (maxs2==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
not_finished[not_finished] = not_finished2
n = np.sum(not_finished)
# Out
# flip_events
[[1 0 1]] # Now there is a head
# maxs2
# maxs
[3 1 0 0 2] # The value of the still unfinished repetition has been updated,
# taking into account that the first position in flip_events is the 4th,
# without affecting the rest
然后存储对应于第一次出现的索引(我们必须添加 1,因为 python 索引从零开始而不是 1)。有一个try ... except ...
不是 的倍数的情况repetitions_at_a_time
def coin_toss_2d(toss, probability=[.5,.5],repetitions_at_a_time=10**5,flips_per_try=20):
# Initialize and preallocate data
current_toss = 0
flips = np.empty(toss)
# loop by chunks
while current_toss<toss:
# repeat repetitions_at_a_time times experiment "flip coin flips_per_try times"
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(repetitions_at_a_time,flips_per_try),p=probability)
# store first head ocurrence
maxs = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
# Check for all tails sequences, that is, repetitions were we have to keep trying to get a head
not_finished = (maxs==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
n = np.sum(not_finished)
while n!=0: # while there are sequences without any head
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(n,flips_per_try),p=probability) # number of experiments reduced to n (the number of all tails sequences)
maxs2 = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
maxs[not_finished] += maxs2+flips_per_try # take into account that there have been flips_per_try tries already (every iteration is added)
not_finished2 = (maxs2==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
not_finished[not_finished] = not_finished2
n = np.sum(not_finished)
# try except in case toss is not multiple of repetitions_at_a_time, in general, no error is raised, that is why a try is useful
flips[current_toss:current_toss+repetitions_at_a_time] = maxs+1
except ValueError:
flips[current_toss:] = maxs[:toss-current_toss]+1
# Update current_toss and move to the next chunk
current_toss += repetitions_at_a_time
# Once all values are obtained, average and return them
Expected_Value, Variance = np.mean(flips), np.var(flips)
return Expected_Value, Variance
这里的代码基本相同,但是现在,intrinsec while 是在一个单独的函数中完成的,该函数是coin_toss_map
def toss_chunk(args):
probability,repetitions_at_a_time,flips_per_try = args
# repeat repetitions_at_a_time times experiment "flip coin flips_per_try times"
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(repetitions_at_a_time,flips_per_try),p=probability)
# store first head ocurrence
maxs = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
# Check for all tails sequences
not_finished = (maxs==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
n = np.sum(not_finished)
while n!=0: # while there are sequences without any head
flip_events = np.random.choice([0,1],size=(n,flips_per_try),p=probability) # number of experiments reduced to n (the number of all tails sequences)
maxs2 = flip_events.argmax(axis=1)
maxs[not_finished] += maxs2+flips_per_try # take into account that there have been flips_per_try tries already (every iteration is added)
not_finished2 = (maxs2==0) & (flip_events[:,0]!=1)
not_finished[not_finished] = not_finished2
n = np.sum(not_finished)
return maxs+1
def coin_toss_map(toss,probability=[.5,.5],repetitions_at_a_time=10**5,flips_per_try=20):
n_chunks, remainder = divmod(toss,repetitions_at_a_time)
args = [(probability,repetitions_at_a_time,flips_per_try) for _ in range(n_chunks)]
if remainder:
flips = np.concatenate(map(toss_chunk,args))
# Once all values are obtained, average and return them
Expected_Value, Variance = np.mean(flips), np.var(flips)
return Expected_Value, Variance
In [1]: %timeit coin_toss(10**6)
# Out
# ('E[X]: 2.000287', '\nvar[X]: 1.99791891763')
# ('E[X]: 2.000459', '\nvar[X]: 2.00692478932')
# ('E[X]: 1.998118', '\nvar[X]: 1.98881045808')
# ('E[X]: 1.9987', '\nvar[X]: 1.99508631')
# 1 loop, best of 3: 46.2 s per loop
In [2]: %timeit coin_toss_2d(10**6,repetitions_at_a_time=5*10**5,flips_per_try=4)
# Out
# 1 loop, best of 3: 197 ms per loop
In [3]: %timeit coin_toss_map(10**6,repetitions_at_a_time=4*10**5,flips_per_try=4)
# Out
# 1 loop, best of 3: 192 ms per loop
In [4]: [coin_toss_2d(10**6,repetitions_at_a_time=10**5,flips_per_try=10) for _ in range(4)]
# Out
# [(1.999848, 1.9990739768960009),
# (2.000654, 2.0046035722839997),
# (1.999835, 2.0072329727749993),
# (1.999277, 2.001566477271)]
In [4]: [coin_toss_map(10**6,repetitions_at_a_time=10**5,flips_per_try=4) for _ in range(4)]
# Out
# [(1.999552, 2.0005057992959996),
# (2.001733, 2.011159996711001),
# (2.002308, 2.012128673136001),
# (2.000738, 2.003613455356)]