简而言之,我正在使用 Bitmap::FromFile 从文件中加载位图,但之后我想将其从磁盘中删除。
问题是,Bitmap::FromFile 绝对锁定文件以防止任何更改/删除,直到加载的图像被卸载
1. 从二进制文件中提取图像
2. 加载图像
3. 删除 #1 中提取的文件
Bitmap::FromFile 即使像我的尝试一样从文件中克隆加载的图像,仍会锁定文件以防止删除:
Bitmap* tempbmp = Bitmap::FromFile(fileanddir.c_str(),false);
Rect temprect( 0, 0, tempbmp->GetWidth(), tempbmp->GetHeight() );
// make the image to be used as a clone to the temporary
// bitmap to avoid file locking
image_to_be_used = tempbmp->Clone(temprect, PixelFormatDontCare);
// delete temporary loaded bitmap since it shouldn't be needed
delete tempbmp;
// delete the file itself, too bad the file is locked
int theresult = remove(tocharptr(fileanddir));
// returns -1, also: manually deleting at this point gives the error
// that the file is being used by another person/program