我已经实现了 AdaBoost 增强算法的一个版本,我使用决策树桩作为弱学习器。但是我经常发现,在训练 AdaBoost 算法之后,会创建一系列弱学习器,这样这个系列就会在整个集合中重复出现。例如,经过训练,弱学习者的集合看起来像这样A,B,C,D,E,D,E,D,E,D,E,F,E,D,E,D,E


// After we have chosen the weak learner which reduces the weighted sum error by the most, we need to update the weights of each data point.
double sumWeights = 0.0f; // This is our normalisation value so we can normalise the weights after we have finished updating them
foreach (DataPoint dataP in trainData) {
      int y = dataP.getY(); // Where Y is the desired output
      Object[] x = dataP.getX();
      // Classify the data input using the weak learner. Then check to see if this classification is correct/incorrect and adjust the weights accordingly.
      int classified = newLearner.classify(x);
      dataP.updateWeight(y, finalLearners[algorithmIt].getAlpha(), classified);
      sumWeights += dataP.getWeight();


这是我在 WeakLearner 类中的分类方法

// Method in the WeakLearner class
public int classify(Object[] xs) {
            if (xs[splitFeature].Equals(splitValue))
                return 1;
            else return -1;


public void updateWeight(int y, double alpha, int classified) {
            weight = (weight * (Math.Pow(e, (-y * alpha * classified))));



1 回答 1


您可以增加 alpha 的值并检查。也许,错误分类的样本没有得到足够的权重,因此,它们一次又一次地出现。

于 2018-06-27T14:55:55.833 回答