我需要对 JNLP 可访问应用程序进行性能测试。
我使用了 WireShark,发现 jnlp 只生成 TCP 流量。
我阅读了所有与 jnlp 性能测试相关的帖子,并尝试使用Apache JMeter + UbikLoadPack Java 序列化插件,但 jmeter 没有捕获流量。
这是我唯一的选择捕获 TCP 流量并使用它吗?
我需要对 JNLP 可访问应用程序进行性能测试。
我使用了 WireShark,发现 jnlp 只生成 TCP 流量。
我阅读了所有与 jnlp 性能测试相关的帖子,并尝试使用Apache JMeter + UbikLoadPack Java 序列化插件,但 jmeter 没有捕获流量。
这是我唯一的选择捕获 TCP 流量并使用它吗?
If traffic is HTTP(s), as per documentation of UbikLoadPack bundle, You need to follow the instructions of paragraphs:
1/Add JMeter certificate authority to the cacerts file used by Java:
See in documentation "Configuring Application for HTTPS" (Pages 7/8). This will allow your application to work when using JMeter as proxy if traffic is HTTPS
Steps are the following:
Use File > Templates... Menu item, then select "Recording" Template and click Create
Start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder by clicking on Start Button
JMeter will generate a Certificate Authority in 2 formats in jmeter/bin folder:
keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -alias jmeter_ca -file <path to jmeter>/bin/ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt
2/To set JMeter as proxy of JNLP:
Click Network Settings. The Network Settings dialog box opens.
Select Use proxy server, enter the proxy server name (localhost), and port number (8888 for JMeter).
- Click Apply
- Restart your application again
See reference documentation:
If it’s not HTTP, the plugin does not support it.