I'm actualy creating Tiled TIFF from jpeg files by using ImageMagick. My aim is to work with IIPImage server. I can generate easily files but my problem is that I have to deal with a large warehouse of images and it's crucial to optimize the space occupied by my TIFF files.
Thus, by using a compression of 45% (and tiles of 256x256) I obtain a acceptable quality and It's the maximum level of optimization I know. With that configuration, my TIFF files have a little more the same size as the original jpeg files. For exemple, if a jpeg weights 10Mo, the result TIFF weights 11.4Mo. It's good but not enought because if my initial warehouse weights 2To, I have to plan at least 4To for my project.
Thereby, I want to know if it exists a way for optimizing further the size of my TIFF files without losing more quality than 45%... By using ImageMagick or another tool.
For information, I'm using this command for generating TIFF.
convert <jpeg file> -quality 45 -depth 8 +profile '*' -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 -compress jpeg 'ptif:<tiff file>'
Thanks !