
var path = [ ]
var folder = id.getParents()
while (folder && folder.hasNext()) {
  var f = folder.next()
  folder = f.getParents()


但是当我到达根目录时,它并没有返回 Team Drive 的实际名称,例如“Accounting”或“Marketing”,而是返回“Team Drive”。我需要知道团队云端硬盘的实际名称,为什么我没有收到此信息?如果我在绑定到“我的驱动器”中的文档的脚本中运行它,它会在根目录中显示“我的驱动器”——这至少是有道理的,因为这是我在浏览器中看到的实际名称。在 Team Drive 中,根实际上是“Team Drives”而不是“Team Drive”。


1 回答 1


由于团队云端硬盘的实现方式与“常规”Google 云端硬盘“文件夹”不同,因此无法保证内置的DriveApp所有操作都能正常工作。可能会在某个时候DriveApp更新以完全支持 Team Drives,但 Google 仍有许多明智的事情要做;)

相反,请使用“高级服务” Drive,这是一个客户端应用程序,它实现了 Drive REST API 的第 2 版,并允许正确处理 Team Drive 信息。作为“高级服务”,您必须先 启用该服务,然后才能使用它。


function getTeamDrivePath(fileId) {
  // Declare we know how to handle Team Drive items, and that they be included in responses.
  var params = {
    supportsTeamDrives: true,
    includeTeamDriveItems: true
  // Return only the fields we want, instead of the whole `File` resource.
  params.fields = "id,title,parents/id"

  // In a Team Drive, a file can have only one parent folder (e.g. "normal" filesystems).
  // (parent.isRoot is never true for Team Drive folders so it is not used.)
  var path = [], file;
  do {
    file = Drive.Files.get(fileId, params);
    fileId = file.parents.length ? file.parents[0].id : null;
  } while (fileId);

  // Since we also added the file, the last element of the path array is the filename.

  // A Team Drive is subject to different permissions than files, and thus its name must be 
  // obtained via the Team Drives resource. Since `file` points to the Team Drive, use it:
  // Requesting incorrect fields will result in an API error, so request the proper ones:
  params.fields = "name"
  var td = Drive.Teamdrives.get(file.id, params);
  path[0] = td.name;
  return path;

Drive REST API 参考中提供了有关团队驱动器及其相关处理的更多信息。我链接了 v2 版本,因为它们可以通过 Apps Script 的“高级服务”获得,但 v3 版本应该用于使用客户端库的 3rd 方应用程序。


于 2018-03-28T20:55:55.010 回答