I am totally new to python, so I tried to read and learn what I could but I cannot seem to do what I want, and I haven't found a solution on Stack Overflow or other sources. My aim is to create a wave file of brown noise with amplitude modulation at a given frequency. I want to generate brown noise and modulate it.
I intended to use the python acoustics package, unfortunately I don't understand how to use the functions to create colored noise. I looked at the examples, but I don't see examples on colored noises functions use.
Anyone can help me solving this issue? Thanks.
Here is my code:
""" This file proposes to modulate a given wav file"""
import wave
import struct
import time
import math
import random
import acoustics
# General variables
outputName = "waveXP.wav"
frequencyModulation = 40
period = 1/frequencyModulation
duration = 1
maxVolume = 23000.0
framerate = 44100
# Ask the user about the output file name
temp = ""
temp = input("Name of the output wave file to import (with extension):")
if temp != "":
outputName = str(temp)
# Ask the user about the modulation frequency wanted
temp = ""
temp = input("Modulation frequency wanted (in hertz):")
if temp != "":
frequencyModulation = int(temp)
period = 1/frequencyModulation
# Ask the user about the duration wanted
temp = ""
temp = input("Duration wanted (in seconds):")
if temp != "":
duration = int(temp)
# Create the output wave file
newWaveFile = wave.open(outputName, "w")
# Define parameters of the wave file
# nchannels = 1 for mono; sampwidth = 2 for 2 bytes per sample; framerate = 44100 for wave file;
# comptype = "NONE" for no compression support; compname = 'not compressed' for no compression support
newWaveFile.setparams([1, 2, framerate, duration, 'NONE', 'not compressed'])
# Generate noise
newWaveFile.writeframes(struct.pack('h'*framerate*duration, *int(maxVolume*0.7*acoustics.generator.brown(framerate*duration))))
# Close wave files