当我使用 Java(或类似语言)进行编程时,我经常使用简单版本的策略模式,使用接口和实现类,在我的代码中为特定概念提供运行时可选择的实现。

作为一个非常人为的示例,我可能希望在我的 Java 代码中具有可以产生噪音的动物的一般概念,并且希望能够在运行时选择动物的类型。所以我会按照这些思路编写代码:

interface Animal {
    void makeNoise();

class Cat extends Animal {
    void makeNoise() { System.out.println("Meow"); }

class Dog extends Animal {
    void makeNoise() { System.out.println("Woof"); }

class AnimalContainer {
    Animal myAnimal;

    AnimalContainer(String whichOne) {
        if (whichOne.equals("Cat"))
            myAnimal = new Cat();
            myAnimal = new Dog();

    void doAnimalStuff() {
        // Time for the animal to make a noise

很简单。不过,最近,我一直在使用 Scala 进行一个项目,我想做同样的事情。使用特征似乎很容易做到这一点,如下所示:

trait Animal {
    def makeNoise:Unit

class Cat extends Animal {
    override def makeNoise:Unit = println("Meow")

class AnimalContainer {
    val myAnimal:Animal = new Cat

然而,这看起来很像 Java 并且不是很实用——更不用说特征和接口并不是一回事。所以我想知道在我的 Scala 代码中是否有更惯用的方式来实现策略模式(或类似的东西),以便我可以在运行时选择抽象概念的具体实现。还是使用特征是实现这一目标的最佳方式?


3 回答 3


它可以像“ Scala 中的设计模式”中的那个例子:


trait TaxPayer
case class Employee(sal: Long) extends TaxPayer
case class NonProfitOrg(funds: BigInt) extends TaxPayer

//Consider a generic tax calculation function. (It can be in TaxPayer also).
def calculateTax[T <: TaxPayer](victim: T, taxingStrategy: (T => long)) = {

val employee = new Employee(1000)
//A strategy to calculate tax for employees
def empStrategy(e: Employee) = Math.ceil(e.sal * .3) toLong
calculateTax(employee, empStrategy)

val npo = new NonProfitOrg(100000000)
//The tax calculation strategy for npo is trivial, so we can inline it
calculateTax(nonProfit, ((t: TaxPayer) => 0)


在这里,您使用了一个上限,以便将子类中 T 的特化限制为TaxPayer.

于 2011-02-09T21:38:05.870 回答


trait Animal {
    def makenoise: Unit

trait Cat extends Animal {
    override def makeNoise { println("Meow") }

trait Dog extends Animal {
    override def makeNoise { println("Woof") }

class AnimalContaineer {
    self: Animal =>

    def doAnimalStuff {
         // ...
         // ...

object StrategyExample extends Application {
    val ex1 = new AnimalContainer with Dog
    val ex2 = new AnimalContainer with Cat


就策略模式而言,策略上的 self 类型表明它必须与某种算法的特定实现混合。

于 2011-02-09T21:44:12.780 回答

来自 Java,我仍然喜欢 OO 风格的语法。我也刚刚观看了Deriving Scalaz (Disclaimer) 的第一部分,并将其用作一个小练习来向自己展示 Pimp My Library 和 Implicits 的概念。我想我不妨分享我的发现。一般来说,以这种方式设置会产生更多的编程开销,但我个人认为这种用法更干净。

第一个片段演示了添加 Pimp My Library 模式。

trait TaxPayer

 * This is part of the Pimp My Library pattern which converts any subclass of
 * TaxPayer to type TaxPayerPimp
object TaxPayer {
  implicit def toTaxPayerPimp[T <: TaxPayer](t: T) : TaxPayerPimp[T] =
    new TaxPayerPimp[T] {
      val taxPayer = t

 * This is an extra trait defining tax calculation which will be overloaded by
 * individual TaxCalculator strategies.
trait TaxCalculator[T <: TaxPayer] {
  def calculate(t: T) : Long

 * This is the other part of the Pimp My Library pattern and is analogus to
 * Scalaz's Identity trait.
trait TaxPayerPimp[T <: TaxPayer] {
  val taxPayer: T
  def calculateTax(tc: TaxCalculator[T]) : Long = tc.calculate(taxPayer)

case class Employee(sal: Long) extends TaxPayer

 *  This is the employee companion object which defines the TaxCalculator
 *  strategies.
object Employee {
  object DefaultTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[Employee] {
    def calculate(e: Employee) = Math.ceil(e.sal * .3) toLong

  object BelgianTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[Employee] {
    def calculate(e: Employee) = Math.ceil(e.sal * .5) toLong

case class NonProfitOrg(funds: BigInt) extends TaxPayer

 * This is the NonProfitOrg companion which defines it's own TaxCalculator
 * strategies.
object NonProfitOrg {
  object DefaultTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[NonProfitOrg] {
    def calculate(n: NonProfitOrg) = 0

object TaxPayerMain extends Application {

  //The result is a more OO style version of VonC's example
  val employee = new Employee(1000)

  val npo = new NonProfitOrg(100000000)

  //Note the type saftey, this will not compile



trait TaxPayer
object TaxPayer {
  implicit def toTaxPayerPimp[T <: TaxPayer](t: T) : TaxPayerPimp[T] =
      new TaxPayerPimp[T] {
        val taxPayer = t

trait TaxCalculator[T <: TaxPayer] {
  def calculate(t: T) : Long

 * Here we've added an implicit to the calculateTax function which tells the
 * compiler to look for an implicit TaxCalculator in scope.
trait TaxPayerPimp[T <: TaxPayer] {
  val taxPayer: T
  def calculateTax(implicit tc: TaxCalculator[T]) : Long = tc.calculate(taxPayer)

case class Employee(sal: Long) extends TaxPayer

 * Here we've added implicit to the DefaultTaxCalculator.  If in scope
 * and the right type, it will be implicitely used as the parameter in the
 * TaxPayerPimp.calculateTax function.
object Employee {
  implicit object DefaultTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[Employee] {
    def calculate(e: Employee) = Math.ceil(e.sal * .3) toLong

  object BelgianTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[Employee] {
    def calculate(e: Employee) = Math.ceil(e.sal * .5) toLong

 * Added implicit to the DefaultTaxCalculator...
case class NonProfitOrg(funds: BigInt) extends TaxPayer
object NonProfitOrg {
  implicit object DefaultTaxCalculator extends TaxCalculator[NonProfitOrg] {
    def calculate(n: NonProfitOrg) = 0

object TaxPayer2 extends Application {


    val taxPayer = new Employee(1000)

    //Now the call to calculateTax will
    //implicitely use Employee.DefaultTaxCalculator
    //But if we want, we can still explicitely pass in the BelgianTaxCalculator

    val npo = new NonProfitOrg(100000000)

    //implicitely uses NonProfitOrg.defaultCalculator

于 2011-02-12T00:04:00.807 回答