



// Flight Class - Scotia 2
// Contains information on seating (array), space available and return to menu option.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "booking.h"

using namespace std;

class Flight


    struct Seat
            int Available;
            string fullName;
        };// End of struct

// Structure for seat plan (24 spaces available)
    struct Seat seatArray[4][6];

    void seatPlan()
    {   //------
        cout << "Scotia Airlines Seating Plan\n";
        cout << "------------------------\n";
        cout << " 1D  2D  3D  4D  5D  6D\n";
        cout << " 1C  2C  3C  4C  5C  6C\n";
        cout << "                       \n";
        cout << " 1B  2B  3B  4B  5B  6B\n";
        cout << " 1A  2A  3A  4A  5A  6A\n";
        cout << "------------------------\n\n\n";
        for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
            for (int j=0;j<6;j++)
                if (seatArray[i][j].Available == 0)
                cout << seatArray[i][j].fullName << "=" << i+1;

                cout << "Seating Plan is unavailable";
        }// End of for loop
    }// End of seatPlan function

};// End of Flight class


//Booking class - Scotia Airlines
//This class will reserve a seat for passenger

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Booking{

    struct Seat
            int Available;
            string fullName;
        };// End of struct

// Structure for seat plan (24 spaces available)
    struct Seat seatArray[4][6];

//variables for taking in customer details, calculating ticket cost (inc discounts) and adding details to system
    string fName, sName, busName, fullName;
    int age, livesAt;
    float discount, tickPrice, tCost;

    void addBooking()

    cout << "\tBooking Menu \n\n";
    cout << "Please select ticket type: \n";
    cout << "1- Business \n";
    cout << "2- Western Isles \n";
    cout << "3- Ordinary \n";
    cin >> livesAt;

    // This will be used to calc total cost for each passenger dependant on ticket type
                    if(livesAt == 1)
                            discount = 0.75;
                            cout << "Please enter your business name\n";
                            cin >> busName;

                        else if (livesAt == 2)
                            discount = 0.90;

                            discount = 1.0;

    // Calculation - Standard ticket price is 60 Beans
                tickPrice = 60.0;
                tCost = (tickPrice * discount);

            bool booked = false;
                for(int i = 0; i < 4 && !booked; i++)
                        for(int j = 0; j < 6 && !booked; j++)
                            if(seatArray[i][j].Available == 1)
                                cout << "Please enter your first name \n";
                                cin >> fName;
                                cout << "Please enter your second name \n";
                                cin >> sName;
                                fullName == fName + " " + sName;
                                seatArray[i][j].fullName = fullName;
                                booked = true;
                                    // Message on screen for customer displaying cost of flight
                                cout << "*******************************\n";
                                cout << "\tBooking for " << fName + " " + sName << " confirmed.\n";
                                cout << "\tTotal cost = " << tCost << " GBP.\n";
                            }//end of if
                        }//end of for2
                    }//end of for1

    }// End of addBooking function
};// End of Booking class



1 回答 1



  1. 首先,您永远不会将座位标记为不可用。将此添加到您的添加嘘声功能中。
  2. 其次,我相信在第二个中的 else for in seatPlan 应该在 else 中。
  3. 在 else 语句之后不需要半列(在设置折扣为 1.0 时的 else 中)


于 2012-12-19T19:41:00.460 回答