这似乎也适用于打开大量图像并对其进行 joinarray 以使它们彼此相邻。谢谢@user894763
import os
import pyvips
# natsort helps with sorting the list logically
from natsort import natsorted
source = r"E:/pics/"
output = r"E:/out/"
save_to = output + 'final' + '.tif'
# define list of pictures we are going to get from folder
list_of_pictures = []
# get the
for x in os.listdir(source):
list_of_pictures.append(source + x)
# list_of_pictures now contains all the images from folder including full path
# since os.listdir will not guarantee proper order of files we use natsorted to do it
list_of_pictures = natsorted(list_of_pictures)
array_images = []
image = None
# lets create array of the images for joining, using sequential so it use less ram
for i in list_of_pictures:
tile = pyvips.Image.new_from_file(i, access="sequential")
# Join them, across is how many pictures there be next to each other, so i just counted all pictures in array with len
out = pyvips.Image.arrayjoin(array_images, across=len(list_of_pictures))
# write it out to file....
out.write_to_file(save_to, Q=95, compression="lzw", bigtiff=True)