我刚刚开始研究 Racket/Scheme 延续,并找到了一个有用的资源 - Matt Mights 页面。在非确定性 Amb 示例之前,我理解了一切。谁能解释我在这个例子中延续是如何工作的?目前对我来说看起来像是黑魔法。
; current-continuation : -> continuation
(define (current-continuation)
(lambda (cc)
(cc cc))))
; fail-stack : list[continuation]
(define fail-stack '())
; fail : -> ...
(define (fail)
(if (not (pair? fail-stack))
(error "back-tracking stack exhausted!")
(let ((back-track-point (car fail-stack)))
(set! fail-stack (cdr fail-stack))
(back-track-point back-track-point)))))
; amb : list[a] -> a
(define (amb choices)
(let ((cc (current-continuation)))
((null? choices) (fail))
((pair? choices)
(let ((choice (car choices)))
(set! choices (cdr choices))
(set! fail-stack (cons cc fail-stack))
; (assert condition) will cause
; condition to be true, and if there
; is no way to make it true, then
; it signals and error in the program.
(define (assert condition)
(if (not condition)
; The following prints (4 3 5)
(let ((a (amb (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
(b (amb (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
(c (amb (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))))
; We're looking for dimensions of a legal right
; triangle using the Pythagorean theorem:
(assert (= (* c c) (+ (* a a) (* b b))))
(display (list a b c))
; And, we want the second side to be the shorter one:
(assert (< b a))
; Print out the answer:
(display (list a b c))