我目前有一个脚本,除了两个搜索功能外,它都可以正常工作。Active 用户搜索仅限于两个 OU,Disabled 用户仅限于单独的 2 个 OU。这都包含在执行所有 AD 搜索的 while 循环中。我很难让这两个子搜索工作。无论如何,它们都会返回所有 AD 用户的结果。我在 Disabled 搜索中有几个不同的版本。
我试图让它在特定的 OU 中搜索用户,如果不存在,则显示消息说找不到用户。
#Requires -Version 2.0
#Connection and Startup Strings
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
#-Set Window title
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + " - " + (Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss")
#Requires -Version 2.0
$ADServer = 'childDomain.domain.com'
$Aous = 'OU=Users,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Onboarding,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$Dous = 'OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com', 'OU=Disability Leave,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$ADous = 'OU=Users,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Onboarding,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com', 'OU=Disability Leave,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$Exportpath = "C:\domain\ExportADUsers\"
if(!(test-path $Exportpath)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Exportpath }
$Logfile = "C:\domain\UserSearch_errors.txt"
#-determine Service Desk agent; used in Signature as well as Push-Button
if($env:UserName -Match "x_\w.*"){ $SDAgent = $env:UserName.Substring(2) }
else{ $SDAgent = $env:UserName }
#--Prompt/menu strings
$noADuserErrorString = "`n---..-- No Account found in Active Directory --..---"
$promptActiveSearchString = " - Enter the employee username that you wish to search the Active OU's for"
$promptDisabledSearchString = " - Enter the employee username that you wish to search the Disabled OU's for"
$emptyInput = "No entry specified, please retype request."
$cancelOnboardForm = "Exiting Onboarding form. No actions taken."
$script:TESTING = $False
function testing-message
Write-Host "script:TESTING is currently : " -NoNewline
if($script:TESTING){ Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Green }
Connect-QADService childdomain.domain.com
Write-Host "`n`n**********************`n**`n** " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Welcome, $SDAgent ($env:UserName)"
Write-Host "**`n********`n" -ForegroundColor Green
$SelectString = "Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory"
function SelectStandard
#-trying to create function to standardize output for various search modes
Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory
function Show-Error
#- NOTE: add "-ErrorAction Stop" switch to force terminating error
Write-Host " |====================="
Write-Host " |"
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Caught an exception:" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Error[0]: $($error[0])" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " |"
Write-Host " |====================="
function Show-Prompt
$prompttime = Get-Date -format T
$prompttime = Get-Date -format hh:mm:ss
Write-Host " `n<" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$prompttime" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
Write-Host ">" -NoNewline
Write-Host " Enter the username you would like to lookup: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
# Write-Host " `n[ $prompttime ] Enter the username you would like to lookup: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
# main loop
$username = Read-Host
$username = $username.Trim()
#-ignore blank
elseif (($username -Match "^\s+$") -or ($username -eq '')){
Write-Host $emptyInput
#-Search Active OU's
elseif ($username -eq 'Active'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptActiveSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$activecorp = Get-QADUser $usra -Searchroot $aous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$activecorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
$username = $usra #~why?
#-Search Terminated & Disability Leave OU's
elseif ($username -eq 'Disabled'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptDisabledSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$validUsername = $False
Get-ADUser -Server $ADServer -Searchbase $Dous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
$validUsername = $True
Write-Host "$usra $noADuserErrorString" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
$validUsername = $False
$username = $usra
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptDisabledSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$discorp = Get-QADUser $usra -Searchroot $dous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$discorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
#$username = $usra #~why?
Return $discorp
foreach($AllADUsers in $ADous){Get-ADUser -server $ADServer `
-SearchBase $AllADUsers `
-Filter * -Properties * |
#-if starts with a number, assume phone number mode
elseif ($username -Match "^\d.*"){
$phoneno = $username
# Connect-QADService childdomain.domain.com
$phonecorp = Get-QADUser -Enabled -telephonenumber "*$phoneno" | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$phonecorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
#-Get employee ID
elseif ($username -eq 'gid'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt " - Enter the employee username that you wish to get the Employee ID for"
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$validUsername = $False
Get-ADUser $usra -Properties EmployeeID | Select EmployeeID
$validUsername = $True
Write-Host "[$usra] is not a valid username. Username must match EXACTLY." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
$validUsername = $False
$username = $usra
#-Exit script gracefully
elseif ($username -eq 'Exit'){
#-perform basic search
# Write-Host "`n - basic search - " #-for testing, to verify elseif as well as to prove Active/Disabled options are not working as intended
# Connect-QADService childdomain.domain.com
$corp = Get-QADUser $username | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, @{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory, @{n="ManagerName";e={(Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Manager -properties DisplayName).DisplayName}}
if (!$corp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }