我有一个程序可以计算某种赌注的各种指标,例如 EV、获胜机会等。我还想要衡量赌注的“方差”程度。我的明确意思是:“重复下注 n 次后,你用完 X 现金的概率是多少。” 我目前通过运行模拟来做到这一点,但这非常慢。我正在寻找一种更直接的数学/计算解决方案来做到这一点。
Function GetOutcomeList() As List(Of Integer)
Dim result As New List(Of Integer)
For i = 1 To combos
Dim addcount As Integer = Math.Round((windistribution(i, 0, 1) / winchance(0)) * 500000)
For j = 1 To addcount
result.Add(windistribution(i, 0, 0))
Return result
End Function
Function GetVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
Dim simcount As Integer = 4000
Dim numofgames As Integer = bankroll / (bet ^ 0.6)
Dim simspassed As Integer = 0
Dim outcomeList As List(Of Integer) = GetOutcomeList()
For sims = 1 To simcount
Dim cash As Double = bankroll
For i = 1 To numofgames
Dim roll As Double = generator.NextDouble
cash -= bet
If roll <= winchance(0) AndAlso cash >= 0 Then
cash += outcomelist(generator.Next(1, outcomelist.Count))
ElseIf cash <= 0 Then
Exit For
End If
If cash > 0 Then
simspassed += 1
End If
Return (simspassed / simcount) * 100
End Function
以下是我尝试实施 meowgoesthedog 解决方案的尝试,但在处理更多赌注/结果时,它最终比我的 monte carlo 解决方案慢得多:
Structure OutCome
Dim prob As Double
Dim cashChange As Integer
End Structure
Function GetNewVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
Dim n As Integer = 10
Dim out_list(winstates) As OutCome
Dim taken(winstates) As Boolean
For i = 0 To winstates - 1
Dim biggest() As Integer = {0, 0}
For j = 1 To winstates
If taken(j) = False AndAlso (windistribution(j, 0, 0) - betsize) >= biggest(1) Then
biggest(1) = windistribution(j, 0, 0)
biggest(0) = j
End If
Dim oc As New OutCome
oc.cashChange = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 0) - betsize
oc.prob = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 1)
out_list(i) = oc
taken(biggest(0)) = True
Dim ocLose As New OutCome
ocLose.cashChange = -betsize
ocLose.prob = 1 - winchance(0)
out_list(winstates) = ocLose
Dim prob_list(winstates) As Double
Dim c As Double = 0
For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
c += out_list(i).prob
prob_list(i) = c
Dim prob_runout As Double = prob_enough(n, bankroll, out_list, prob_list) * 100
Return prob_runout
End Function
Function prob_enough(n As Integer, x As Integer, out() As OutCome, probs() As Double) As Double
If x <= 0 Then
Return 0
End If
If n <= 1 Then
Dim i As Integer = search_smallest(out, x)
If (i < winstates) Then
Return probs(i)
Return 0
End If
End If
Dim S As Double = 0
For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
If out(i).cashChange < -x Then
Exit For
End If
S += out(i).prob * prob_enough(n - 1, x + out(i).cashChange, out, probs)
Return S
End Function
Function search_smallest(out() As OutCome, x As Integer) As Integer
Dim left As Integer = 0
Dim right As Integer = winstates
While left < right
Dim i As Integer = (left + right) / 2
If out(i).cashChange >= -x Then
right = i
left = i + 1
End If
End While
Return left
End Function