
我有一个程序可以计算某种赌注的各种指标,例如 EV、获胜机会等。我还想要衡量赌注的“方差”程度。我的明确意思是:“重复下注 n 次后,你用完 X 现金的概率是多少。” 我目前通过运行模拟来做到这一点,但这非常慢。我正在寻找一种更直接的数学/计算解决方案来做到这一点。



Function GetOutcomeList() As List(Of Integer)
    Dim result As New List(Of Integer)
    For i = 1 To combos
        Dim addcount As Integer = Math.Round((windistribution(i, 0, 1) / winchance(0)) * 500000)
        For j = 1 To addcount
            result.Add(windistribution(i, 0, 0))
    Return result
End Function


Function GetVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
    Dim simcount As Integer = 4000
    Dim numofgames As Integer = bankroll / (bet ^ 0.6)
    Dim simspassed As Integer = 0
    Dim outcomeList As List(Of Integer) = GetOutcomeList()
    For sims = 1 To simcount
        Dim cash As Double = bankroll
        For i = 1 To numofgames
            Dim roll As Double = generator.NextDouble
            cash -= bet
            If roll <= winchance(0) AndAlso cash >= 0 Then
                cash += outcomelist(generator.Next(1, outcomelist.Count))
            ElseIf cash <= 0 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        If cash > 0 Then
            simspassed += 1
        End If
    Return (simspassed / simcount) * 100
End Function

以下是我尝试实施 meowgoesthedog 解决方案的尝试,但在处理更多赌注/结果时,它最终比我的 monte carlo 解决方案慢得多:

 Structure OutCome
    Dim prob As Double
    Dim cashChange As Integer
End Structure

Function GetNewVarianceMetric(bankroll As Integer) As Double
    Dim n As Integer = 10
    Dim out_list(winstates) As OutCome
    Dim taken(winstates) As Boolean

    For i = 0 To winstates - 1
        Dim biggest() As Integer = {0, 0}
        For j = 1 To winstates
            If taken(j) = False AndAlso (windistribution(j, 0, 0) - betsize) >= biggest(1) Then
                biggest(1) = windistribution(j, 0, 0)
                biggest(0) = j
            End If
        Dim oc As New OutCome
        oc.cashChange = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 0) - betsize
        oc.prob = windistribution(biggest(0), 0, 1)
        out_list(i) = oc
        taken(biggest(0)) = True
    Dim ocLose As New OutCome
    ocLose.cashChange = -betsize
    ocLose.prob = 1 - winchance(0)
    out_list(winstates) = ocLose
    Dim prob_list(winstates) As Double
    Dim c As Double = 0
    For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
        c += out_list(i).prob
        prob_list(i) = c
    Dim prob_runout As Double = prob_enough(n, bankroll, out_list, prob_list) * 100
    Return prob_runout
End Function

Function prob_enough(n As Integer, x As Integer, out() As OutCome, probs() As Double) As Double
    If x <= 0 Then
        Return 0
    End If
    If n <= 1 Then
        Dim i As Integer = search_smallest(out, x)
        If (i < winstates) Then
            Return probs(i)
            Return 0
        End If
    End If
    Dim S As Double = 0
    For i = winstates To 0 Step -1
        If out(i).cashChange < -x Then
            Exit For
        End If
        S += out(i).prob * prob_enough(n - 1, x + out(i).cashChange, out, probs)
    Return S
End Function

Function search_smallest(out() As OutCome, x As Integer) As Integer
    Dim left As Integer = 0
    Dim right As Integer = winstates
    While left < right
        Dim i As Integer = (left + right) / 2
        If out(i).cashChange >= -x Then
            right = i
            left = i + 1
        End If
    End While
    Return left
End Function

2 回答 2




于 2018-03-12T16:30:14.787 回答



  1. 假设我们最初有一系列A结果m,每个结果都有相关的概率p货币变化 y(支出减去初始存款)。对这个数组进行排序y

  2. 计算从数组末尾开始的累积概率。最后加起来应该是1。

  3. 用 调用例程n, X,其中n是剩余投注数,X是当前预算。

  4. 如果,使用二分搜索,找到这样n = 1的索引。这是玩家能够承受的最昂贵的结果。返回此索引处的累积概率。iA[i:] >= -X

  5. 如果n > 1,为输出概率保留一个变量S,并将其初始化为 0。对于上述所有值,从末尾开始A[i] >= -X

    • 从 (3) 开始,使用预算执行递归调用n - 1, X + A[j].y
    • 将返回结果乘以A[j].p并添加到S
    • 最后,返回S


请注意,这是1 减去您想要的数量(超出预算的概率);计算这个数量的原因是,只要我们在预算范围内,我们可以花费的金额始终是从上面限制的,这意味着我们要测试的案例更少。


struct outcome
   double prob;   // probability "p"
   int change;    // change in money "y"

// search for the most expensive bet
static size_t search_smallest(const vector<outcome> & out, int X)
   size_t left = 0, right = out.size();
   while (left < right)
      size_t i = (left + right) / 2;
      if (out[i].change >= -X)
         right = i;
         left = i + 1;
   return left;

// compute the probability that it is enough
static double prob_enough(unsigned n, int X,
   const vector<outcome> & out, const vector<double> & probs)
   if (X <= 0) return 0.0;

   if (n <= 1) {
      size_t i = search_smallest(out, X);
      return (i < out.size()) ? probs[i] : 0.0;

   double S = 0.0;
   for (size_t i = out.size(); i > 0; i--)
      if (out[i - 1].change < -X) break;
      S += out[i - 1].prob * prob_enough(n - 1, X + out[i - 1].change, out, probs);
   return S;

int main()
   int n, X;
   // input number of bets and budget
   // ...

   vector<outcome> out_list;
   // input different outcomes and fill out_list
   // ...

   // sort out_list with respect to y
   sort(out_list.begin(), out_list.end(),
      [](const outcome & a, const outcome & b) { return a.change < b.change; });

   // create cumulative list
   vector<double> prob_list(out_list.size());
      double c = 0.0;
      for (size_t i = out_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
         c += out_list[i - 1].prob;
         prob_list[i - 1] = c;

   double prob_runout = 1.0 - prob_enough(n, X, out_list, prob_list);


X = 7, n = 3

Outcome no.     |  1     2     3
Change      (y) | -10    1     2
Probability (p) | 0.5   0.4   0.1

--> prob_runout = 0.83

确认 - 在所有下注之前用完的不同方式:

Outcomes  | Probability
[1, ., .] | 0.5         = 0.5
[2, 1, .] | 0.4*0.5     = 0.2
[3, 1, .] | 0.1*0.5     = 0.05
[2, 2, .] | 0.4*0.4*0.5 = 0.08
                  Total = 0.83
于 2018-03-12T21:33:02.450 回答