这是在 Objective-c 中的 2D 瓦片地图问题上递归回避障碍的正确解决方案。花了我 4.5 小时将动作脚本翻译成 Objective-c 并调试它……现在快凌晨 3 点了 :) 要使用它,只需创建一个 X 乘 Y 方块的地图,将您的模型放在地图上并调用
-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal
生成的数组将为您提供角色可以通过给定移动次数到达的位置。然后,您可以使用A* pathfinding algorithm
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#define tileCountWide 14
#define tileCountTall 8
@interface MapOfTiles : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray* tilesetWalkable;
@property (nonatomic)int width;
@property (nonatomic)int height;
@property (nonatomic,readonly)int tileCount;
-(id)initWithXWidth:(int)xWidth yHeight:(int)yHeight;
-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal;
#import "MapOfTiles.h"
@implementation MapOfTiles
-(id)initWithXWidth:(int)xWidth yHeight:(int)yHeight
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.width = xWidth;
self.height = yHeight;
int count = xWidth*yHeight;
self.tilesetWalkable = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count];
for(int i = 0 ; i<count; i++)
//initial map is blank and has no obstacles
[self.tilesetWalkable addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
return self;
return self.width*self.height;
-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal
int connexity = 4;
connexity = 8;
//check if there is an obstacle at the origin
NSNumber* movementOrigin = self.tilesetWalkable[tileIndex];
//if the first tile is walkable, proceed with seeking recursive solutions using 4 or 8 connected tiles
if(movementOrigin.boolValue == YES)
//create a copy to avoid messing up the real map
NSMutableArray* tilesetClone = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.tilesetWalkable];
//will contain tileset indices where you can reach in the given number of moves if you can only move in a straight line or straight line and diagonally
NSMutableArray* validMoves = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
//we start building our array of walkable tiles with the origin, because we just tested it
NSNumber* originIsWalkable = [NSNumber numberWithInt:tileIndex];
NSMutableArray* initialWalkableTilesArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:originIsWalkable];
//for the first recursion, we manually set the origin to be not walkable, so recursion cannot return to it
[tilesetClone replaceObjectAtIndex:tileIndex withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
[validMoves addObject:initialWalkableTilesArray];
[self recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:validMoves
return validMoves;
return nil;
-(void)recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:(NSMutableArray*)validMovesToPopulate tileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset currentMove:(int)currentDepth maxMoves:(int)maxDepth connexity:(int)connexity
if(currentDepth == maxDepth)
NSArray* movesToCheck = [validMovesToPopulate objectAtIndex:currentDepth];
DLog(@"checking moves: %@",movesToCheck);
for (NSNumber* walkableMapIndex in movesToCheck)
//check array for valid moves
NSMutableArray* validMovesFromPoint = [self getValidMovesFromPoint:[self pointFromIndex:walkableMapIndex.intValue]
//remember valid moves, so the next iteration will check them
if(validMovesToPopulate.count == currentDepth+1)
//this is the first time we are looking at moves at this depth, so add an array that will hold these moves
[validMovesToPopulate addObject:validMovesFromPoint];
//there is already an array at this depth, just add more values to it
NSMutableArray* validTilesForThisMove = validMovesToPopulate[currentDepth+1];
[validTilesForThisMove addObjectsFromArray:validMovesFromPoint];
[self recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:validMovesToPopulate
//for a field that is 8 tall by 12 wide with 0,0 in bottom left
//tileCountTall is also number of rows
//x is column
int x = index / tileCountTall;
//y is row
int y = index % tileCountTall;
CGPoint xyPointInTileset = CGPointMake(x, y);
DLog(@"Examing index: %i assigned:x%.0f, y:%.0f",index, xyPointInTileset.x,xyPointInTileset.y);
return xyPointInTileset;
return [self indexFromX:point.x y:point.y];
-(int)indexFromX:(int)x y:(int)y
//in my case the map is rectangular
if ( x < 0 ) x = 0;
int tileWidth = tileCountWide -2 ;//in my case, 2 rows of grid are hidden off screen for recycling of map segments
if ( x > tileWidth - 1 ) x = tileWidth - 1;
if ( y < 0 ) y = 0;
if ( y > tileCountTall - 1 ) y = tileCountTall - 1;
#warning this might screw up the algorithm, because for me x and y values are mapped differently?
return x * tileCountTall + y;
return 0;
-(void)lockTileAtIndex:(int)index forTileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:(NSMutableArray*)tiles
DLog(@"Locking tile: %i",index);
//we lock this tile, so it is not checked by future recursions
NSNumber* tileIsNotWalkableAtIndex = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
[tileset replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:tileIsNotWalkableAtIndex];
//remember that this index is a valid move
[tiles addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:index]];
-(NSMutableArray*)getValidMovesFromPoint:(CGPoint)p lockMovesInTileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset usingConnexity:(int)connexity
int i = 0;
NSMutableArray* validMovesFromThisPoint = [NSMutableArray array];//these tiles are valid moves from point
NSNumber* tileIsWalkable = nil;
//using (x,y) (0,0) as bottom left corner, Y axis pointing up, X axis pointing right
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y)];//left
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y)];//right
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x, p.y-1)];//bottom
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x, p.y+1)];//top
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
if(connexity == 4){
return validMovesFromThisPoint;//if we want a connexity 4, no need to go further
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y-1)];//bottom left
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y-1)];//bottom right
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y+1)];//top left
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y+1)];///top right
tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
[self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];
return validMovesFromThisPoint;