在 2D 方形网格系统中进行移动的最佳方式是什么?我有这个有用的东西,但它看起来是错误的/丑陋的(见下文)。

x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x O x x x
x x x U x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

例如,U 是我要移动的单位,而 O 是像另一个单位或一座山一样无法通过的物体。如果 U 可以移动 3 个图块,我希望可移动区域(M)看起来像这样。

x x x x x x x
x x M x M x x
x M M O M M x
x x M M M M x
x x M M M x x
x x x M x x x


public function possibleMoves(range:uint, cords:Array):void {
var X:uint = cords[0];
var Y:uint = cords[1];

if (range > 0) {
    try {
        theGrid[X + 1][Y].moveable = true;
        if (theGrid[X + 1][Y].getOccupied == false) {
            possibleMoves(range - 1, [X + 1, Y], flag, mtype);
    }   catch (err:Error) { }

    try {
        theGrid[X - 1][Y].moveable = true;
        if (theGrid[X - 1][Y].getOccupied == false) {
            possibleMoves(range - 1, [X - 1, Y], flag, mtype);
    }   catch (err:Error) { }

    try {
        theGrid[X][Y + 1].moveable = true;
        if (theGrid[X][Y + 1].getOccupied == false) {
            possibleMoves(range - 1, [X, Y + 1], flag, mtype);
    }   catch (err:Error) { }

    try {
        theGrid[X][Y - 1].moveable = true;
        if (theGrid[X][Y - 1].getOccupied == false) {
            possibleMoves(range - 1, [X, Y - 1], flag, mtype);
    }   catch (err:Error) { }

3 回答 3


您的瓦片集的数据结构似乎与做太多事情的“瓦片”类紧密耦合;theGrid[X][Y].moveable, theGrid[X][Y].getOc​​cupied... + 可能还有其他一些方法。

也许瓦片集数据结构应该只存储布尔值(可步行?真/假),并有一个单一的方法来告诉瓦片是否可步行。在这种情况下,一个布尔值向量就足够了。测试 4(或 8 对角线) naerby 值非常快,并且可以使用递归循环将测试扩展到新找到的值。

如果你有不同类型的瓷砖(墙壁、物体、人物等),你可以使用 Vector.< int > 而不是 Booleans ;0 将是可步行的瓷砖,其他任何东西都是禁止区域。这允许进行布尔检查:0 = false,任何其他值 = true。


  • l.53 是“连通性”,可能的值是 4 和 8
  • 四个连接给

连通性 4

  • 八连

连通性 8

  • l.54 是最大递归深度



编辑:似乎提供的代码有效,但包含一个递归终止错误,试图通过以下行来避免。这仅在某些情况下有效,并且如果您将角色放在地图的边缘或给他的移动次数不是 5,那么行为会非常奇怪:

        var max:int = ( maxDepth * maxDepth );
        if( maxDepth % 2 == 0 )max--;
        recursiveCheck( valid, tilesetClone, 0, max, connexity );

我检查了不同的递归深度,错误很快就变得明显了。这个例子中缺少网格和复杂的地图设计掩盖了这个错误,但下面是一个截图 - 请注意,如果鼠标如图所示定位在角落,则该字段向上扩展 6 个方格,向左扩展 7 个方格,而它应该只是5.


于 2011-02-07T13:47:55.747 回答

您的代码可以工作,但远非优雅。很多瓷砖将被计算多次。您可以通过缓存每个 gridTile 的结果来解决此问题。


于 2011-02-07T07:57:12.063 回答

这是在 Objective-c 中的 2D 瓦片地图问题上递归回避障碍的正确解决方案。花了我 4.5 小时将动作脚本翻译成 Objective-c 并调试它……现在快凌晨 3 点了 :) 要使用它,只需创建一个 X 乘 Y 方块的地图,将您的模型放在地图上并调用

-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal

生成的数组将为您提供角色可以通过给定移动次数到达的位置。然后,您可以使用A* pathfinding algorithm动画从当前位置移动到任何一个突出显示的图块。



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#define tileCountWide 14
#define tileCountTall 8

@interface MapOfTiles : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray* tilesetWalkable;

@property (nonatomic)int width;
@property (nonatomic)int height;
@property (nonatomic,readonly)int tileCount;

-(id)initWithXWidth:(int)xWidth yHeight:(int)yHeight;


-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal;



#import "MapOfTiles.h"

@implementation MapOfTiles

-(id)initWithXWidth:(int)xWidth yHeight:(int)yHeight
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        self.width = xWidth;
        self.height = yHeight;

        int count = xWidth*yHeight;

        self.tilesetWalkable = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count];

        for(int i = 0 ; i<count; i++)
            //initial map is blank and has no obstacles
            [self.tilesetWalkable addObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];


    return self;

    return self.width*self.height;

-(NSMutableArray*)possibleMovesFromIndex:(int)tileIndex movesCount:(int)moves allowDiagonalMoves:(BOOL)allowDiagonal
    int connexity = 4;
        connexity = 8;

    //check if there is an obstacle at the origin
    NSNumber* movementOrigin  = self.tilesetWalkable[tileIndex];

    //if the first tile is walkable, proceed with seeking recursive solutions using 4 or 8 connected tiles
    if(movementOrigin.boolValue == YES)
        //create a copy to avoid messing up the real map
        NSMutableArray* tilesetClone = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.tilesetWalkable];

        //will contain tileset indices where you can reach in the given number of moves if you can only move in a straight line or straight line and diagonally
        NSMutableArray* validMoves = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];

        //we start building our array of walkable tiles with the origin, because we just tested it
        NSNumber* originIsWalkable = [NSNumber numberWithInt:tileIndex];
        NSMutableArray* initialWalkableTilesArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:originIsWalkable];

        //for the first recursion, we manually set the origin to be not walkable, so recursion cannot return to it
        [tilesetClone  replaceObjectAtIndex:tileIndex withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];

        [validMoves addObject:initialWalkableTilesArray];

        [self  recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:validMoves
        return validMoves;


    return nil;

-(void)recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:(NSMutableArray*)validMovesToPopulate tileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset currentMove:(int)currentDepth maxMoves:(int)maxDepth connexity:(int)connexity
    if(currentDepth == maxDepth)

        NSArray* movesToCheck = [validMovesToPopulate objectAtIndex:currentDepth];
        DLog(@"checking moves: %@",movesToCheck);

        for (NSNumber* walkableMapIndex in movesToCheck)

            //check array for valid moves
            NSMutableArray* validMovesFromPoint = [self getValidMovesFromPoint:[self pointFromIndex:walkableMapIndex.intValue]

            //remember valid moves, so the next iteration will check them

            if(validMovesToPopulate.count == currentDepth+1)
                //this is the first time we are looking at moves at this depth, so add an array that will hold these moves
                [validMovesToPopulate addObject:validMovesFromPoint];
                //there is already an array at this depth, just add more values to it
                NSMutableArray* validTilesForThisMove = validMovesToPopulate[currentDepth+1];
                [validTilesForThisMove addObjectsFromArray:validMovesFromPoint];

            [self  recursiveCheckWithValidMovesArray:validMovesToPopulate


    //for a field that is 8 tall  by 12 wide with 0,0 in bottom left
    //tileCountTall is also number of rows
    //x is column
    int x = index / tileCountTall;

    //y is row
    int y = index % tileCountTall;
    CGPoint xyPointInTileset = CGPointMake(x, y);

    DLog(@"Examing index: %i assigned:x%.0f, y:%.0f",index, xyPointInTileset.x,xyPointInTileset.y);
    return xyPointInTileset;

    return [self indexFromX:point.x y:point.y];

-(int)indexFromX:(int)x y:(int)y
    //in my case the map is rectangular
    if ( x < 0 ) x = 0;

    int tileWidth = tileCountWide -2 ;//in my case, 2 rows of grid are hidden off screen for recycling of map segments
    if ( x > tileWidth - 1 ) x = tileWidth - 1;

    if ( y < 0 ) y = 0;
    if ( y > tileCountTall - 1 ) y = tileCountTall - 1;

#warning this might screw up the algorithm, because for me x and y values are mapped differently?
    return x * tileCountTall + y;

    return 0;

-(void)lockTileAtIndex:(int)index forTileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:(NSMutableArray*)tiles
    DLog(@"Locking tile: %i",index);
    //we lock this tile, so it is not checked by future recursions
    NSNumber* tileIsNotWalkableAtIndex = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
    [tileset replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:tileIsNotWalkableAtIndex];

    //remember that this index is a valid move
    [tiles addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:index]];


-(NSMutableArray*)getValidMovesFromPoint:(CGPoint)p lockMovesInTileset:(NSMutableArray*)tileset usingConnexity:(int)connexity
    int i = 0;
    NSMutableArray* validMovesFromThisPoint = [NSMutableArray array];//these tiles are valid moves from point

    NSNumber* tileIsWalkable = nil;

    //using (x,y) (0,0) as bottom left corner, Y axis pointing up, X axis pointing right
    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y)];//left
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y)];//right
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x, p.y-1)];//bottom
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x, p.y+1)];//top
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES)
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    if(connexity == 4){
        return validMovesFromThisPoint;//if we want a connexity 4, no need to go further

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y-1)];//bottom left
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y-1)];//bottom right
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x-1, p.y+1)];//top left
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    i = [self indexFromPoint:CGPointMake(p.x+1, p.y+1)];///top right
    tileIsWalkable = tileset[i];
    if(tileIsWalkable.boolValue == YES){
        [self lockTileAtIndex:i forTileset:tileset rememberValidMovesInThisArray:validMovesFromThisPoint];

    return validMovesFromThisPoint;

于 2013-12-11T07:45:48.813 回答