A = B^{n} - C^{n}
A,B,C => 0
我试图创建一个使用数值方法计算 n 的 VBA 函数。
注意:有人告诉我0.5 <= n <= 1
Option Explicit
Private Const mdblEPSILON As Double = 0.00000001
Public Function IsEqual(ByVal dblA As Double, ByVal dblB As Double) As Boolean
IsEqual = Abs(dblA - dblB) < mdblEPSILON
End Function
Public Function IsGreaterThan(ByVal dblA As Double, ByVal dblB As Double) As Boolean
IsGreaterThan = (dblA > dblB) And IsEqual(dblA, dblB) = False
End Function
Function nfinder(dblConstant As Double, dblPR As Double, dblPP As Double, dblDP As Double)
Dim i As Double
Dim j As Double
Dim k As Double
Dim n(1 To 11) As Double
Dim ratiodifference(1 To 11) As Double
Dim dblA As Double
Dim dblB As Double
Dim Temporary As Double
Dim ValueLB As Double
Dim ValueUB As Double
'This part calculates the ratiodifference for n= 0.5,0.6,...,1
'The ratio is:
' 1. A / (B^{n} - C^{n}) is calculated for each n
' 2. This difference between this value and 1 is calculated
' 3. I am assuming if A = B^{truevalue.n} - C^{truevaluen} then the ratiodifference will = 0 as the ratio should = 1
For i = 1 To 6
n(i) = 0.1 * i + 0.4
ratiodifference(i) = Abs(1 - dblConstant / (dblPR ^ n(i) - dblPP ^ n(i)))
Next i
'I could have used redim here but i was lazy
For i = 7 To 11
n(i) = 100
ratiodifference(i) = 999999999999999#
Next i
' This part orders using bubble sort in order of ratiodifference
For j = 1 To 6
For i = 1 To 5
dblA = ratiodifference(i)
dblB = ratiodifference(i + 1)
If IsGreaterThan(dblA, dblB) = True Then
Temporary = ratiodifference(i)
ratiodifference(i) = ratiodifference(i + 1)
ratiodifference(i + 1) = Temporary
Temporary = n(i)
n(i) = n(i + 1)
n(i + 1) = Temporary
End If
Next i
Next j
'This part selects the smaller n of the 2 smallest ratio difference and sets this as the LowerBound
If IsGreaterThan(n(1), n(2)) Then
Temporary = ratiodifference(1)
ratiodifference(1) = ratiodifference(2)
ratiodifference(2) = Temporary
Temporary = n(1)
n(1) = n(2)
n(2) = Temporary
End If
ValueLB = n(1)
'Using loops the above process is repeated up to a desired amount of decimal places
For k = 2 To dblDP + 1
'Starting at the lower bound go through the decimal incriments
For i = 1 To 10
n(i) = ValueLB + (i - 1) * 0.1 ^ k
ratiodifference(i) = Abs(1 - dblConstant / (dblPR ^ n(i) - dblPP ^ n(i)))
Next i
For j = 1 To 11
For i = 1 To 10
dblA = ratiodifference(i)
dblB = ratiodifference(i + 1)
If IsGreaterThan(dblA, dblB) = True Then
Temporary = ratiodifference(i)
ratiodifference(i) = ratiodifference(i + 1)
ratiodifference(i + 1) = Temporary
Temporary = n(i)
n(i) = n(i + 1)
n(i + 1) = Temporary
End If
Next i
Next j
If IsGreaterThan(n(1), n(2)) Then
Temporary = ratiodifference(1)
ratiodifference(1) = ratiodifference(2)
ratiodifference(2) = Temporary
Temporary = n(1)
n(1) = n(2)
n(2) = Temporary
End If
ValueLB = n(1)
Next k
nfinder = Round(ValueLB, dblDP)
End Function