我终于用 MOs 算法做到了。以下将按预期工作。
/** For the given set of queries find the Unique element
* count of an array using MO's Algorithum. */
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
struct Query // struct for storing the queries
int Left;
int Right;
int Index;
inline void Add(const int i, int &ans, vector<int> &Arr, vector<int> &countArray)
if(countArray[Arr[i]] == 1)
ans += countArray[Arr[i]];
if(countArray[Arr[i]] == 2)
ans -= countArray[Arr[i]];
inline void Remove(const int i, int &ans, vector<int> &Arr, vector<int> &countArray)
if(countArray[Arr[i]] == 1)
ans += countArray[Arr[i]];
if(countArray[Arr[i]] == 0)
ans -= countArray[Arr[i]];
int main()
int _size; cin >> _size;
vector<int> Arr; Arr.reserve(_size);
copy_n(istream_iterator<int>(cin), _size, back_inserter(Arr));
//copy(Arr.cbegin(), Arr.cend(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\t"));
int id = -1;
int sqrt_n = sqrt(_size);
int Q; cin >> Q;
vector<Query> qArr(Q);
unordered_map<int, int> Map;
for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i)
if (Map.count(Arr[i]) == 0)
Map[Arr[i]] = ++id;
Arr[i] = Map[Arr[i]];
// read queries
for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i)
int L,R;
cin >> L >> R;
qArr[i].Left = L-1;
qArr[i].Right = R-1;
qArr[i].Index = i;
// sort the queries according to(MO's Algorithum)
[&](const Query &lhs, const Query &rhs)->bool
return ( (lhs.Left/sqrt_n == rhs.Left/sqrt_n) ?
lhs.Right < rhs.Right: // Qs with same Left case
(lhs.Left / sqrt_n) < (rhs.Left / sqrt_n) ); // Qs with diff values case
int currStart = 0;
int currEnd = 0;
int tempAnswer= 0;
vector<int> Answer(Q);
vector<int> countArray(_size);
for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i)
int L = qArr[i].Left;
int R = qArr[i].Right;
/** Remove extra elements of previous range. For
* example if previous range is [0, 3] and current
* range is [2, 5], then a[0] and a[1] are subtracted */
while (currStart < L)
Remove(currStart, tempAnswer, Arr, countArray);
/** Add Elements of current Range */
while (currStart > L)
Add(currStart - 1, tempAnswer, Arr, countArray);
while (currEnd <= R)
Add(currEnd, tempAnswer, Arr, countArray);
/** Remove elements of previous range. For example
* when previous range is [0, 10] and current range
* is [3, 8], then a[9] and a[10] are subtracted */
while (currEnd > R + 1)
Remove(currEnd - 1, tempAnswer, Arr, countArray);
Answer[qArr[i].Index] = tempAnswer;
for(const auto &it: Answer) cout<<it<<endl;
return 0;