
      i j value
 [1,] 3 6 0.194201129
 [2,] 3 5 0.164547043
 [3,] 3 4 0.107149279
 [4,] 4 3 0.004927017
 [5,] 3 1 0.080454448
 [6,] 1 2 0.003220612
 [7,] 2 6 0.162313646
 [8,] 3 3 0.114992628
 [9,] 4 1 0.015337253
[10,] 1 6 0.026550051
[11,] 3 2 0.057004116
[12,] 4 2 0.006441224
[13,] 4 5 0.025641026
[14,] 2 4 0.004885993
[15,] 1 1 0.036552785
[16,] 1 5 0.048249186
[17,] 1 4 0.006053565
[18,] 1 3 0.004970296

正如您所看到的,对于某些i, j对,存在反向对。例如对于 i = 3, j = 1,有一对i = 1, j = 3


对每一i, j对减去它的倒数并得到减法的绝对值。对于那些没有逆对的对,从它们中减去 0。


因为i = 3, j = 5不存在逆对 (i = 5, j = 3),因此计算变为:

abs(0.164547043 - 0)

因为i = 3, j = 1矩阵上有一个逆对,i = 1, j = 3因此计算将是:

abs(0.004970296 - 0.080454448)

我通过编写一堆充满 for 循环的代码(65 行)来解决这个问题,而且很难阅读和编辑。


受之前一篇文章的启发,它的答案非常简单(通过使用聚合()函数)并通过在线搜索这些函数,我试图在这里使用 mapply(),但事实是我无法处理逆对。


    memMatrix <- structure(c(3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 
        1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 6, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 3, 0.194201128983738, 
        0.164547043451226, 0.107149278958536, 0.00492701677834917, 0.0804544476798398, 
        0.00322061191626409, 0.162313646044361, 0.114992627755601, 0.0153372534398016, 
        0.0265500506171091, 0.0570041160347523, 0.00644122383252818, 
        0.0256410256410256, 0.00488599348534202, 0.0365527853282693, 
        0.0482491856677524, 0.0060535654765406, 0.00497029586494912), .Dim = c(18L, 
        3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("i", "j", "value")))


memMatrix帖子顶部给出的矩阵在哪里。在这里,您可以看到一点区别,即我将绝对值与一个名为 的变量相乘probability_distribution,但这并不重要。我从最初的帖子中通过它(乘法)使其更简单。

subFunc <- function( memMatrix , probability_distribution )

  # Node specific edge relevance matrix
  node_edgeRelm <- matrix(ncol = 3)
  colnames(node_edgeRelm) <- c("i","j","rel")
  node_edgeRelm <- na.omit(node_edgeRelm)

  for ( row in 1:nrow( memMatrix ) )
    pair_i <- memMatrix[row,"i"]
    pair_j <- memMatrix[row,"j"]

    # If already this pair of i and j has been calculated continue with the next pair
    # At the end of a new calculation, we store the i,j (verse) values in order from lower to higher
    # and then we check here for the inverse j,i values (if exists).
    if( pair_i < pair_j )
      if( any(node_edgeRelm[,"i"] == pair_i & node_edgeRelm[,"j"] == pair_j) ) next
    if( pair_j < pair_i )
      if( any(node_edgeRelm[,"i"] == pair_j & node_edgeRelm[,"j"] == pair_i) ) next

    # Verse i,j
    mepm_ij <- as.numeric( memMatrix[which( memMatrix[,"i"] == pair_i & memMatrix[,"j"] == pair_j ), "mep"] )
    if( length(mepm_ij) == 0 )
      mepm_ij <- 0
    # Inverse j,i
    mepm_ji <- as.numeric( memMatrix[which( memMatrix[,"i"] == pair_j & memMatrix[,"j"] == pair_i ), "mep"] )
    if( length(mepm_ji) == 0 )
      mepm_ji <- 0

    # Calculate the edge relevance for that specific initial node x and pair i,j
    edge_relevance <- probability_distribution * abs( mepm_ij - mepm_ji )

    # Store that specific edge relevance with an order from lower to higher node
    if ( pair_i < pair_j)
      node_edgeRelm <- rbind( node_edgeRelm, c( as.numeric(pair_i), as.numeric(pair_j), as.numeric(edge_relevance) ) )
      node_edgeRelm <- rbind( node_edgeRelm, c( as.numeric(pair_j), as.numeric(pair_i), as.numeric(edge_relevance) ) )


你可以运行它subFunc(memMatrix, 1/3)


4 回答 4


假设输入是矩阵m,将value元素按具有相同 i、j 或 j、i 的元素分组。每个这样的组中将有 1 个或 2 个value元素,因此对于任何特定组,将零添加到该 1 或 2 个长度的向量并取前 2 个元素,将得到的 2 个元素向量的元素差分并取绝对值。此过程不会更改行顺序。它提供了一个数据框,但如果需要使用它可以转换回矩阵as.matrix。不使用任何包。

absdiff <- function(x) abs(diff(c(x, 0)[1:2]))
transform(m, value = ave(value, pmin(i, j), pmax(i, j), FUN = absdiff))


   i j       value
1  3 6 0.194201129
2  3 5 0.164547043
3  3 4 0.102222262
4  4 3 0.102222262
5  3 1 0.075484152
6  1 2 0.003220612
7  2 6 0.162313646
8  3 3 0.114992628
9  4 1 0.009283688
10 1 6 0.026550051
11 3 2 0.057004116
12 4 2 0.001555230
13 4 5 0.025641026
14 2 4 0.001555230
15 1 1 0.036552785
16 1 5 0.048249186
17 1 4 0.009283688
18 1 3 0.075484152
于 2018-02-23T17:25:45.373 回答




match2 = as_mapper(match)

创建一个包含长度为 2 的向量的列表,其中包含两个值,然后是第二个值反转的列表,然后匹配两个列表

i = match2(L <- map2(df[,1], df[,2], c),
                map(L, rev))


 v = df[i,3]

将 NA/unmatched 替换为 0,然后进行减法abs()

cbind(df, abs(df[,3]-replace(v, is.na(v), 0)))
于 2018-02-23T16:37:24.977 回答

您可以尝试一个 tidyverse 解决方案:

df %>% as.tibble() %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(id=paste(sort(c(i,j)), collapse = "_"))  %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(n=paste0("n", 1:n())) %>% 
  select(-1,-2) %>% 
  spread(n, value, fill = 0) %>% 
# A tibble: 14 x 4
# Groups:   id [14]
      id          n1          n2      result
   <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1   1_1 0.036552785 0.000000000 0.036552785
 2   1_2 0.003220612 0.000000000 0.003220612
 3   1_3 0.080454448 0.004970296 0.075484152
 4   1_4 0.015337253 0.006053565 0.009283688
 5   1_5 0.048249186 0.000000000 0.048249186
 6   1_6 0.026550051 0.000000000 0.026550051
 7   2_3 0.057004116 0.000000000 0.057004116
 8   2_4 0.006441224 0.004885993 0.001555230
 9   2_6 0.162313646 0.000000000 0.162313646
10   3_3 0.114992628 0.000000000 0.114992628
11   3_4 0.107149279 0.004927017 0.102222262
12   3_5 0.164547043 0.000000000 0.164547043
13   3_6 0.194201129 0.000000000 0.194201129
14   4_5 0.025641026 0.000000000 0.025641026


  1. 按行排序ij粘贴到一个新列id中。
  2. 分组id并添加出现次数n
  3. 传播方式n
  4. 计算绝对差。
于 2018-02-23T16:37:43.560 回答

Base R: Lte 说你的矩阵的名字是mat

> B=matrix(0,max(mat[,1:2]),max(mat[,1:2]))
> B[mat[,1:2]]=mat[,3]
> A=cbind(which(upper.tri(B,T),T),abs(`diag<-`(B,0)[upper.tri(B,T)]-t(B)[upper.tri(B,T)]))
> A[A[,3]>0,]
      row col            
 [1,]   1   1 0.036552785
 [2,]   1   2 0.003220612
 [3,]   1   3 0.075484152
 [4,]   2   3 0.057004116
 [5,]   3   3 0.114992628
 [6,]   1   4 0.009283688
 [7,]   2   4 0.001555230
 [8,]   3   4 0.102222262
 [9,]   1   5 0.048249186
[10,]   3   5 0.164547043
[11,]   4   5 0.025641026
[12,]   1   6 0.026550051
[13,]   2   6 0.162313646
[14,]   3   6 0.194201129
于 2018-02-23T16:44:04.607 回答