我已将 gltf-model 加载到 a-frame 中,我想将它按 y 轴移动 20。我使用以下代码:


问题是,如何使用three.js 代码正确移动它?
之前:之前 1之前 2

之后: AFTER1 之后 2



  <a-sky color="#f9f2cf"></a-sky>

  <!-- LIGHT a-frame no need to export from blender -->
  <a-light color="#fff" position="-8 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 -14.163" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 14.192" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 -9.574 -2.443" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="8.5 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>

  <!-- CAMERA with wasd controls and circle cursor -->
  <a-camera fly look-controls wasd-controls position="17.020 16.700 7.958" rotation="-34.149 89.382 0.000">  
      cursor="fuse: true; fuseTimeout: 500"
      position="0 0 -1"
      geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.02; radiusOuter: 0.03"
      material="color: black; shader: flat">

    <!-- GLTF animation samples -->
    <a-asset-item id="afb_animation" src="models/afb_animation.gltf"></a-asset-item>

  <a-entity id="_afb_animation" position="0 0 0"  gltf-model="#afb_animation" ></a-entity>

<!-- script change model position -->

  $( document ).ready(function() {

    var xAxis = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0);

      console.log("rotation: done");


    }, 3000);



1 回答 1


解决问题的一种方法是在位置组件上使用方法(此处setAttribute为官方 wiki )。


entity.setAttribute('position', { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 });

其中 entity 是任何 A-Frame 实体。

示例 1

因此,在下面的代码中,我注册了一个名为的A-Frame 组件move-my-model,它允许我移动我的实体(在我的情况下是一个<a-box>实体,但它也适用于您的模型)在 3000 毫秒后将 10 添加到其 y 位置setTimeout(例如你的代码示例):

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.7.0/aframe.min.js"></script>

AFRAME.registerComponent('move-my-model', {
  init: function () {
    setTimeout( () => {
      let position = this.el.getAttribute("position")
      position.y += 10
      this.el.setAttribute("position", position)
    }, 3000)

  <a-sky color="#f9f2cf"></a-sky>

  <!-- LIGHT a-frame no need to export from blender -->
  <a-light color="#fff" position="-8 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 -14.163" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 14.192" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 -9.574 -2.443" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="8.5 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>

  <!-- CAMERA with wasd controls and circle cursor -->
  <a-camera fly look-controls wasd-controls position="17.020 16.700 7.958" rotation="-34.149 89.382 0.000">  
      cursor="fuse: true; fuseTimeout: 500"
      position="0 0 -1"
      geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.02; radiusOuter: 0.03"
      material="color: black; shader: flat">
  <a-box move-my-model position="5.020 8.500 7.958" rotation="0 0 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>

示例 2

相反,如果你需要更复杂的动画,我animation-move第一次在 A-Frame 框架上工作时,我编写了一个自己调用的 A-Frame 组件,即:

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.7.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
AFRAME.registerComponent('animation-move', {
  schema: {
    path: {
      default: [],
      parse: function (value) {
        return JSON.parse(value);
    animationStepTime: {
      type: 'int',
      default: 0
  init: function(){
    this.next = 0;
    let object = this.el;
    for (let prop in this.data.path[this.next]) {
      object.setAttribute( prop, this.data.path[this.next][prop] );
  tick: function (time, timeDelta) {
    let updated = false

    if ( this.next >= this.data.path.length ) {
      this.next = 0;

    let delta = this.data.animationStepTime / (16.7 * ((this.data.animationStepTime+timeDelta)/this.data.animationStepTime));
    let object = this.el;

    for (let prop in this.data.path[this.next]) {

      let attr = object.getAttribute(prop);
      let nextStep = this.data.path[this.next][prop];

      let xDelta = Math.abs( (this.next-1 >= 0) ? nextStep.x - this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].x : nextStep.x - this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].x)/delta;
      let yDelta = Math.abs( (this.next-1 >= 0) ? nextStep.y - this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].y : nextStep.y - this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].y)/delta;
      let zDelta = Math.abs( (this.next-1 >= 0) ? nextStep.z - this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].z : nextStep.z - this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].z)/delta;

      if (attr.x != nextStep.x) {
        if ((this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.x < this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].x) || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.x < this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].x)) {
          if (attr.x-xDelta < nextStep.x) {
            attr.x = nextStep.x;
          else {
            attr.x -= xDelta;
            updated = true;
        else if (this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.x > this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].x || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.x > this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].x)) {
          if (attr.x+xDelta > nextStep.x) {
            attr.x = nextStep.x;
          else {
            attr.x += xDelta;
            updated = true;
        else {
          attr.x = nextStep.x;

      if (attr.y != nextStep.y) {
        if (this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.y < this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].y || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.y < this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].y)) {
          if (attr.y-yDelta < nextStep.y) {
            attr.y = nextStep.y;
          else {
            attr.y -= yDelta;
            updated = true;
        else if (this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.y > this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].y || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.y > this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].y)) {
          if (attr.y+yDelta > nextStep.y) {
            attr.y = nextStep.y;
          else {
            attr.y += yDelta;
            updated = true;
        else {
          attr.y = nextStep.y;

      if (attr.z != nextStep.z) {
        if (this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.z < this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].z || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.z < this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].z)) {
          if (attr.z-zDelta < nextStep.z) {
            attr.z = nextStep.z;
          else {
            attr.z -= zDelta;
            updated = true;
        else if (this.next-1 >= 0 && nextStep.z > this.data.path[this.next-1][prop].z || (this.next == 0 && nextStep.z > this.data.path[this.data.path.length-1][prop].z)) {
          if (attr.z+zDelta > nextStep.z) {
            attr.z = nextStep.z;
          else {
            attr.z += zDelta;
            updated = true;
        else {
          attr.z = nextStep.z;

      object.setAttribute( prop, attr.x+' '+attr.y+' '+attr.z );
    if (!updated) {

  <a-sky color="#f9f2cf"></a-sky>

  <!-- LIGHT a-frame no need to export from blender -->
  <a-light color="#fff" position="-8 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 -14.163" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 5 14.192" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="0 -9.574 -2.443" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>
  <a-light color="#fff" position="8.5 5 0" intensity="3.5" light="intensity:2"></a-light>

  <!-- CAMERA with wasd controls and circle cursor -->
  <a-camera fly look-controls wasd-controls position="17.020 16.700 7.958" rotation="-34.149 89.382 0.000">  
      cursor="fuse: true; fuseTimeout: 500"
      position="0 0 -1"
      geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.02; radiusOuter: 0.03"
      material="color: black; shader: flat">
  <a-box animation-move='path: [ {"position": {"x": 15.020, "y": 15.500, "z": 7.958}}, {"position": {"x": 10, "y": 17.000, "z": 5}} ]; animationStepTime: 1500' rotation="0 0 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>


在这里,您可以找到我的 A-Frame 示例以及其他一些 A-Frame 组件,例如最后一个!这个例子展示了拉奎拉(意大利)圣玛格丽特教堂的重建立面,带有一些轻动画和交互式面板。

于 2018-02-24T00:20:00.163 回答