我们突然在某些 Windows 安装中遇到了智能卡 API 的问题。调用 SCardEstablishContext 函数时似乎存在内存泄漏。可以在控制台应用程序中使用 http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/winscard.scardestablishcontext提供的代码示例重现该问题
class Program
#region Win32
// WinSCard APIs to be imported.
static extern int SCardEstablishContext(uint dwScope,
IntPtr notUsed1,
IntPtr notUsed2,
out IntPtr phContext);
static extern int SCardReleaseContext(IntPtr phContext);
static extern int SCardConnect(IntPtr hContext,
string cReaderName,
uint dwShareMode,
uint dwPrefProtocol,
ref IntPtr phCard,
ref IntPtr ActiveProtocol);
static extern int SCardDisconnect(IntPtr hCard, int Disposition);
[DllImport("WinScard.dll", EntryPoint = "SCardListReadersA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
static extern int SCardListReaders(
IntPtr hContext,
byte[] mszGroups,
byte[] mszReaders,
ref UInt32 pcchReaders);
static void Main(string[] args)
while (true)
internal static bool SmartCardInserted()
bool cardInserted = false;
IntPtr hContext = IntPtr.Zero;
List<string> readersList = new List<string>();
int ret = 0;
uint pcchReaders = 0;
int nullindex = -1;
char nullchar = (char)0;
// Establish context.
ret = SCardEstablishContext(2, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, out hContext);
// First call with 3rd parameter set to null gets readers buffer length.
ret = SCardListReaders(hContext, null, null, ref pcchReaders);
byte[] mszReaders = new byte[pcchReaders];
// Fill readers buffer with second call.
ret = SCardListReaders(hContext, null, mszReaders, ref pcchReaders);
// Populate List with readers.
ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
string currbuff = ascii.GetString(mszReaders);
int len = (int)pcchReaders;
if (len > 0)
while (currbuff[0] != nullchar)
nullindex = currbuff.IndexOf(nullchar); // Get null end character.
string reader = currbuff.Substring(0, nullindex);
len = len - (reader.Length + 1);
currbuff = currbuff.Substring(nullindex + 1, len);
// We have list of readers, check for cards.
IntPtr phCard = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr ActiveProtocol = IntPtr.Zero;
int result = 0;
foreach (string readerName in readersList)
result = SCardConnect(hContext, readerName, 2, 3, ref phCard, ref ActiveProtocol);
if (result == 0)
cardInserted = true;
SCardDisconnect(phCard, 0);
return cardInserted;
为了测试,我们在一个无限循环中调用 SmartCardInserted() 方法,延迟很小 => 内存不断增长并分配了新的 hadles。
我们在运行 Windows 10 或 Windows Server 2012 的系统上看到了这个问题,但在 Windows Server 2008 上没有。