如何获取使用 Visual C++ 运行程序的计算机的 MAC 地址?
getManagerHostMAC.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GetAdaptersInfo@8
具有提供的功能:获取机器的MAC地址 - 好的解决方案?
如何获取使用 Visual C++ 运行程序的计算机的 MAC 地址?
getManagerHostMAC.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GetAdaptersInfo@8
具有提供的功能:获取机器的MAC地址 - 好的解决方案?
The Win32 GetAdaptersInfo()
and GetAdaptersAddresses()
functions both return MAC addresses, amongst other things. Remember that a machine may have multiple network adapters installed, thus have multiple MAC addresses available.
You need to link with Iphlpapi.lib. In Visual Studio, just add it to the list of linker libraries in the Project Properties dialog.