Using FFTW I have been computing the FFT of normalized .wav file data. I am a bit confused as to how I should normalise the FFT output, however. I have been using the method which seemed obvious to me, which is simply to divide by the highest FFT magnitude. I have seen division by 1/N and N/2 recommended, however (where I assume N = FFT size). How do these work as normalisation factors? There doesn't seem to me to be an intuitive relation between these factors and the actual data - so what am I missing?

Huge thanks in advance for any help on this.


2 回答 2


令人惊讶的是,FFT 和 IFFT 没有统一的定义,至少就缩放而言,但对于大多数实现(包括 FFTW),您需要在前向方向上缩放 1/N,并且没有缩放反方向。

通常(出于性能原因)您会希望将此缩放因子与任何其他校正(例如您的 A/D 增益、窗口增益校正因子等)混为一谈,这样您就只有一个组合缩放因子可应用于您的 FFT 输出垃圾箱。或者,如果您只是生成以 dB 为单位的功率谱,那么您可以将校正值设为从功率谱箱中减去的单个 dB 值。

于 2011-01-31T21:01:58.640 回答

对于 FFT,参考Parseval 定理和其他需要有意义量级的比较通常很有用。此外,任何单个峰的高度都不是很有用,并且取决于例如计算 FFT 时使用的窗口,因为这可以缩短和加宽峰。出于这些原因,我建议不要按最大峰值进行归一化,因为这样您就失去了与有意义的幅度的任何简单联系,以及数据集之间的轻松比较等。

于 2011-02-01T16:26:26.280 回答