我正在使用适用于 Dynamics 365 的 AlexaCRM 工具包,并且正在编写脚本,该脚本为我提供特定联系人的所有发票的结果,以下脚本显示了最后十张发票,但针对不同的联系人。

$invoices = $service->retrieveMultipleEntities("invoice", $allPages = false, $pagingCookie = null, $limitCount = 10, $pageNumber = 1, $simpleMode = false);
foreach ($invoices->Entities as $invoice) {

  echo 'ID : ' . $invoice->ID . '<br>';
  echo 'Name :' . $invoice->name. '<br>';




2 回答 2


亲爱的@Arun,感谢您的互动,我使用了retrieveMultiple 并构造了一个 FetchXML 查询来获取所有相关发票这是代码

$queryXML = "<fetch mapping='logical'>
                        <entity name='invoice'>
                            <all-attributes />
                            <link-entity name='contact' from='contactid' to='customerid'  alias='C'>
                                <filter type='and'> 
                                    <condition attribute='contactid' operator='eq' value='$contact->id' /> 

$invoices = $service->retrieveMultiple($queryXML, false);
于 2018-02-07T14:16:58.590 回答

联系人(查找)是发票实体记录中的外键 GUID。如果不过滤您正在查找的联系人值,查询将导致您从顶部随机生成 10 个发票。

尝试在代码中设置 WHERE 条件。

例如:要通过 emailaddress1 属性过滤联系人,github中的示例如下所示:

$contactKey = new \AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\KeyAttributes();
$contactKey->add( 'emailaddress1', $contactKeyValue );


/* Check the ID or AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\KeyAttributes to retrieve the entity values */
            if ($IDorKeyAttributes != null) {
                /* Set EntityValues if specified Entity ID */
                if (is_string($IDorKeyAttributes) && self::isGuid($IDorKeyAttributes)) {
                    /* Set the ID of Entity record */
                    /* Get the raw XML data */
                    $rawSoapResponse = $this->client->retrieveRaw($this, $columnSet);
                    /* NOTE: ParseRetrieveResponse method of AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\AlexaSDK_Entity class, not the AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\AlexaSDK class */
                    $this->parseRetrieveResponse($this->client, $this->LogicalName, $rawSoapResponse);
                } else {
                    if ($IDorKeyAttributes instanceof KeyAttributes) {
                        if (version_compare($this->client->organizationVersion, "7.1.0", "<")) {
                            throw new Exception('Entity ID must be a valid GUID for the organization version lower then 7.1.0');
                        /* Set the keyAttributes array */
                        $this->keyAttributes = $IDorKeyAttributes;
                        /* Add the KeyAttribute values to the entity object values */
                        foreach ($IDorKeyAttributes->getKeys() as $key => $attribute) {
                            $this->propertyValues[$key] = array("Value" => $attribute, "Changed" => true);
                        /* Get the raw XML data */
                        try {
                            $rawSoapResponse = $this->client->retrieveRaw($this, $columnSet);
                            /* NOTE: ParseRetrieveResponse method of AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\AlexaSDK_Entity class, not the AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\AlexaSDK class */
                            $this->parseExecuteRetrieveResponse($this->client, $this->LogicalName, $rawSoapResponse);
                        } catch (SoapFault $sf) {
                            $errorCode = $sf->faultcode;
                            // undocumented feature
                            if ($errorCode == '-2147088239') {
                                $this->exists = false;
                            /* ToDo: Return exception with user-friendly details, maybe KeyAttribute parameters invalid */

注意:我不是 php 人,为了帮助你,我做了一些研究。

于 2018-01-25T21:28:09.340 回答