
protocol PathAccessor: CodingKey {
    var keyPath: AnyKeyPath { get }
    static var allCases: [Self] { get }

    init?(rawValue: Int)

extension PathAccessor {
    static var allCases: [Self] {
        var cases: [Self] = []
        var index: Int = 0
        while let element = Self.init(rawValue: index) {
            index += 1

        return cases

class Robot {

    let name: String
    var age: Int
    var powered: Bool
    var hasItch: Bool?

    enum CodingKeys: Int, PathAccessor {
        case name
        case age
        case powered
        case hasItch

        var keyPath: AnyKeyPath {
            switch self {
            case .name: return \Robot.name
            case .age: return \Robot.age
            case .powered: return \Robot.powered
            case .hasItch: return \Robot.hasItch

    init(name: String, age: Int, powered: Bool) {
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.powered = powered

for element in Robot.CodingKeys.allCases {
    // Trying to implement

在上面的循环中,我想检查keyPathcase 的属性,看它是否是 a WritableKeyPath,如果是,则创建一个闭包来修改键路径访问的属性。

问题在于 aWritableKeyPath是泛型类型。我知道Root类型,但Value类型几乎可以是现有的任何类型。我可以为每种最可能的类型创建一堆案例:

if let path = element.keyPath as? WritableKeyPath<Robot, Int> {

} else if let path = element.keyPath as? WritableKeyPath<Robot, String> {

} // So on and so forth


我确实尝试强制转换为动态类型,但这会产生编译器错误(Use of undeclared type 'valueType'):

let valueType = type(of: element.keyPath).valueType
guard let path = element.keyPath as? WritableKeyPath<Self, valueType> else {


guard let path = element.keyPath as? WritableKeyPath<Robot, NodeInitializable> else {

// Output:
// bad
// bad
// bad
// bad

那么,是否有可能在没有大量解包语句或不应该在生产中使用的奇怪技巧的情况下将 a转换AnyKeyPath为 a ?WritableKeyPath


2 回答 2




protocol NodeInitializable {
   internal static func write<K>(keyPath: AnyKeyPath, object: inout K, value: Any?) {
       let path = keyPath as? ReferenceWritableKeyPath<K, Self> // use ReferenceWritableKeyPath for classes and WritableKeyPath for structs
       object[keyPath: path!] = value as! Self // or any other conversion to convert the value you have to the type you want


然后,例如,要更改 Robot 类(有问题的类)的 name 属性,可以这样做:

// conform String to the new protocol
extension String: NodeInitializable {


// and then
let robot = Robot()

let nameAnyKeyPath: AnyKeyPath = \Robot.name
var someNewValue: Any = "New Robot Name"

let valueType = type(of: someNewValue) as! NodeInitializable.Type
valueType.write(keyPath: nameAnykeyPath, object: &robot, value: someNewValue)

print(robot.name) // should print 'New Robot Name'
于 2019-12-29T20:01:00.930 回答


struct Person {
var name: String
var collection: [String]
var optionalCollection: [String]?
let birthdate: Date

fileprivate func keyPath<V>(from label: String, type: V.Type) -> WritableKeyPath<Person, V> {
    print("type: \(type)")
    let valuePair: [String: PartialKeyPath<Person>] = ["name": \Person.name,
                                                       "birthdate": \Person.birthdate,
                                                       "collection": \Person.collection,
                                                       "optionalCollection": \Person.optionalCollection]
    return valuePair[label] as! WritableKeyPath<Person, V>


var person = Person(name: "john",
                    collection: [],
                    optionalCollection: ["gotcha"],
                    birthdate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0))

let name = person[keyPath: person.keyPath(from: "name", type: String.self)] // john
let birthdate = person[keyPath: person.keyPath(from: "birthdate", type: Date.self)] // Jan 1, 1970
let collection = person[keyPath: person.keyPath(from: "collection", type: Array<String>.self)] // []
let optionalCollection = person[keyPath: person.keyPath(from: "optionalCollection", type: Optional<Array<String>>.self)] // ["gotcha"]

但是,您必须始终将类型作为参数传递。如果只有 Mirror 类允许我们从每个属性中获取实际类型。

于 2018-07-03T08:51:17.307 回答