我已经安装了 Neuron 7.4,它运行良好(我运行了几个神经元模型的模拟),我想用它作为 python 的解释器。
当我输入 ('$ nrngui -nopython') 时,NEURON 会启动。但是,当我键入 ('$ nrngui') 时,我收到以下错误:
// ================================
NEURON -- Release 7.4 (1370:16a7055d4a86) 2015-11-09
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2015
See http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/credits
ImportError: No module named site
Py_Initialize exited. PYTHONHOME probably needs to be set correctly.
Our automatic guess based on the Python shared library location:
export PYTHONHOME=/usr/lib
did not work.
It will help to examine the output of:
and set the indicated environment variables, or avoid python by adding
nopython: on
to /usr/local/nrn/share/nrn/lib/nrn.defaults (or .nrn.defaults in your $HOME directory)
// ================================
我在 Debian Jessie 8.10 (x86-64) 下运行,我的内核是 3.16.0-5-amd64。我不太关心 debian/linux/jessie 环境,因为我很习惯在 Windows 下运行。
我的最终目标是安装 LFPy 和 LFPsim。