我有一个用 Jhipster 4.9 制作的项目,在我的 linux 中我有 jhipster 4.13.3

当我运行' jhipster import-jdl src/model/Model.jdl '


正在解析 jdl。发生错误:SyntaxError 错误消息:预期的“/ ”、“angularSuffix”、“dto”、“entity”、“enum”、“except”、“microservice”、“noFluentMethod”、“paginate”、“relationship”、 “搜索”、“服务”、“skipClient”、“skipServer”、['\n'|'\t'|'\r'|' '| | ]、[A-Z_] 或输入结束但找到“f”。*

这是我的 Model.jdl

 * Generated by JHipster IDE plugin

entity Region {
    regionName String

entity Country {
    countryName String

// an ignored comment
/** not an ignored comment */
entity Location {
streetAddress String
postalCode String
city String
stateProvince String

entity Department {
    departmentName String required

     * Task entity.
     * @author The JHipster team.
    entity Task {
        title String
    description String

 * The Employee entity.
entity Employee {
    * The firstname attribute.
    firstName String
    lastName String
    email String
    phoneNumber String
    hireDate ZonedDateTime
    salary Long
    commissionPct Long

entity Job {
    jobTitle String
    minSalary Long
    maxSalary Long

entity JobHistory {
    startDate ZonedDateTime
    endDate ZonedDateTime
    language Language

enum Language {

relationship OneToOne {
    Country{region} to Region

relationship OneToOne {
    Location{country} to Country

relationship OneToOne {
    Department{location} to Location

relationship ManyToMany {
    Job{task(title)} to Task{job}

// defining multiple OneToMany relationships with comments
relationship OneToMany {
    Employee{job} to Job,
    * A relationship
    Department{employee} to
    * Another side of the same relationship

relationship ManyToOne {
    Employee{manager} to Employee

// defining multiple oneToOne relationships
relationship OneToOne {
    JobHistory{job} to Job,
    JobHistory{department} to Department,
    JobHistory{employee} to Employee

// Set pagination options
paginate JobHistory, Employee with infinite-scroll
paginate Job with pagination

dto * with mapstruct

filter * except JobHistory,Region
// Set service options to all except few
service all with serviceImpl except Employee, Job

// Set an angular suffix
angularSuffix * with mySuffix

.jdl 在 Eclipse 中没有显示错误。我正在尝试实现过滤实体。



1 回答 1


我将我的项目更新到 jhipster 4.13.3,它似乎工作。但是代码生成时有错误,类 Location_ , Country_ 在代码中带有引用,但在任何地方都不存在。所以我必须创建 de classes @StaticMetamodel(Employee.class) public class Employee_

于 2018-01-22T18:21:02.317 回答